
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

EMAH* - The Even More Astonishing Hypothesis

*EMAH alludes to Francis Crick's book The Astonishing Hypothesis

What is it to be a human being? Islam, for example, denies negative human rights (i.e. the most important ones) on the ground that full human rights are only entitled to what Koran/Islam considers "real" humans! Strictly speaking Islam doesn't even recognize non-Muslim non-believers as "real humans"!

Also see Klevius' definition of religion!

According to EMAH our hitherto scientific understanding of consciousness and cognition seems, for the most part, way out of target(I.e. our body/mind system seems obtrusive and unwilling to match most of our previous interpretations). In fact it seems that those trying to theoretically solve the problem from a "human" perspective lag most behind whereas people dealing with industrial net works, processors/processing and robotics have come much closer to what it really is all about.

We often hide our shortcomings behind what we name "emotions" (i.e. a comfortable synonyme for human. Also compare our religious struggles with uncertainty - see Klevius'definition of religion). But instead it seems according to EMAH and AI research that the "gap" (compare Richard Leakey's 1992 Origins Reconsidered) between us and the other animals and plants is closing, and, in an extension, so does the "gap" between us and the machines.

But what is perhaps the most astonishing outcome of this approach is that it a) reveals many a "humanistic" approach as in fact inhumane and b) an opening for our real (albeit axiomatic) human value. Thalamus seen as a double-linked "screen of awareness" not only solves the "speed problem" in the brain but also helps us encounter ourselves as genuine parts of life (not as gods of life), in need for axiomatic moral stand points such as e.g. Negative Human Rights against fundamentalist religions.

EMAH also challenges the view, presented by Carl Popper, that humans may be hierarchically categorized from psimitive to sophisticated (see Demands for Resources by P. Klevius 1992). According to EMAH Popper's evolutionary cultural view traps its categories in its own prejudices.

For an updated hypothesis on the last major stages in human evolution and development see Out of Africa as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids".

Some implications of the "primitive/sophisticated" thinking for social science, Terri Schindler-Schiavo etc

See Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship
and Childless psychoanalysts in search for motherhood/femininity

Children live their judicial lives either completely outside the law or through juridical persons other than themselves. So, for example, constitute children (<18 -="" a="" although="" and="" arbitrary="" are="" as="" assumed="" attachment="" because="" before="" bureaucracy="" business="" by="" cause="" child="" children="" consquences="" countries="" criminals="" custodians="" etc="" even="" facing="" feminist="" functioning="" have="" home="" href="" ideas="" in="" lack="" lacking="" law.="" leftist="" lives="" majority="" many="" means="" meantime="" natural="" not="" of="" often="" others="" own="" paired="" protection="" result="" ruin="" s="" social="" state="" studies="" the="" their="" they="" title="" to="" turf="" under="" usually="" vast="" while="" with="" work="">sex segregation) women are still the main bearers of it, the equation seems to lead to even more detached and state nurtured children, through anti-kinship family legislation. It's in this light one has to consider:

The leftist/liberal legislator killed Terri Schiavo as a result of their eagerness to "protect children" (read: to intervene with flimsy ideas and policies aimed to collect state money for own careers) and of the lack of a legal protection for bio-ties (between siblings and between parents and grown up children - compare Klevius proposal of a Right to sexless marriage between close kins). For a deeper understanding read Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship and Childless child psychoanalysts in search for womanhood.

Peter Klevius

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