
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Media's deception of the truth abt Obama

How to cheat democracy by the help of anti-democratic and misleading media cover up!

Would you vote for a candidate who:

1 doesn't fulfill the legal qualifications for being president, and who furthermore tries to cover it up instead of opening up

2 as a born muslim without committing apostasy is against the US constitution because islam rules all aspects of life & FREEDOM!

3 came to political power through a dirty network consisting of some of the worst US racists & black supremacists (Nation of islam etc) & who has never shown any hints of decency when it comes to riding on racism & sexism!

4 has never showed any hint of competence other than the competence of getting into political power positions, & who hasn't revealed anything abt his real thoughts (which can be indirectly deduced from his choice of friends etc).

Klevius comment: Is your own racism so deep so it makes you blind?!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The stupid and meaningless waste of money on "re-search" for an out-of-body soul

Doctors at 25 UK and US hospitals will study 1,500 survivors to see if people with no heartbeat or brain activity can have "out of body" experiences like looking down on themselves. Klevius comment: I can already now, without charging for it, with 100% certainty tell you that they will not find anything, unless they fake it or commit bad science. Although it’s almost 100% certain that no one has ever encountered out-of-Earth civilizations, the probability for this would be endless in comparison with out of body experience! Moreover, when they don’t find anything that will not stop morons from believing “there might still be something”! The old saying still applies: One idiot can ask more than 10.000 wise people can answer! I’m sorry but idiocy has to be answered, no matter how “offended” the idiots may be! And idiots are indeed answered, correected and even laughed at all the time with no one even bothering. Only when it comes to the worst and most dangerous idiocy of them all, namely Mideastern monogodisms, we are asked to tiptoe! Why? And aren't racist/sexist and supramist monogodists the ones that are heavily offending non-godists or polygodists all the time?

Some morons come with the reckless statement that godists and non-godists are talking about the same god. Nothing could be more wrong. Non-godists talk abt the godists’ (mis)CONCEPTION OF GOD, i.e. the tautological meaningless of a concept that isn’t conceptualized other than in matters that do not belong to what is supposed to be conceptualized, i.e. it is non sense and pure irrationality, if you like, for the sole purpose of not facing rationality!

See Klevius Definition and origin of religion

and for perhaps the most advanced view on consciousness see EMAH - the even more astonishing hypothesis

You may also be interested in Klevius 1997 paper Was Jesus religious?