
Thursday, October 01, 2009

The evil racist/sexist monotheist (i.e. totalitarian) "god's" main representative on Earth - & his main puppet

Saudi Abdullah & Co is the worst enemy to the world - and Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is their bowing & "respecting" puppet.

Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is a born muslim & later adopted muslim
No one knows for sure his background
His "presidency" is to spit in the face of the U.S. constitution. He is a born muslim who hasn't sworn himself free from his muslimhood. By not having done that he avoids violating the worst crime known to islam, i.e. apostasy (i.e. leaving islam) but simultaneously he violates the U.S. constitution because islam is its very opposite, namely AGAINST, not for, freedom! A TRUE muslim can never participate in a Democratic election because islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) sees itself as superior to everything else! A true muslim vote/representation is therefore a vote/representation AGAINST democracy.

Saudi Abdullah only fifth on new worst dictator list

According to Thomas Lippman (Washington-based Middle East Institute) specialized in Middle East affairs, King Abdullah is a “negotiator”, not a tyrant. Klevius comment: Abdullah is not only one of the worst dictators but he (& his accomplices) also constitutes the worst threat to the world because of his hate mongering position as infidel racist islam's caliph, spiced with Western oil money & due influence.

Afshin Molavi: A dictator wouldn't be the champion of economic, social and political reform in his country.
Klevius comment: Islam is the opposite to reform, it is, measured in numbers of victims & slaves through 1400 yrs, the worst crime ever against humanity! That aside it's easy to silent people with the wealth coming from Western oil money. The fact is that the House of Saud made their first fortune by the help of islamic slavery on their plantations outside Riyadh. Islamic Saudia Arabia has produced next to nothing by itself, except for a staggering amount of suffering for an enourmous number of "imported" & forgotten "infidel" slaves plus those who died during the "import"! Islam has a debt to humanity which by far exceeds the Arabian oil. So when this thug uses oil wealth to spread islamic infidel hate mongering over the world he does the very opposite to asking for forgiveness & trying to stop the evil.

Afshin Molavi: A dictator wouldn't be sending 10,000 students to study in the United States and another several thousand to study in Europe and Asia on government scholarships.
Klevius comment:Yes he would if he's got the money & does it for the sake of spreading his evil & parasitic slavery/rapetivism ideology! Remember, he (& his wealthy thug gang) is "the guardian of islam"! The stronger islam the stronger their position in the world.

This hypocrite & extremely intolerant (most hate mongering islamic madrassas/mosques etc are sponsored by Abdullah & Co) "king" is also the main source behind the misogynist Cairo declaration as well as the efforts to hinder historical studies & due criticism of islam.

Klevius history lesson: Original Judaism was based on rapetivism for the purpose of conquering the neighbour tribes by the help of numbers. That's why women were forced to squeeze out as many kids as possible in an institutionalized system of rapetivism (incl. male circumcision for avoiding masturbation etc). However, because Judaism was born out of true religion (see The Vagina Gate & the Atom of Kinship and Klevius Definition of Religion) Judaism later (after Christianity was born with its early asexual approach) came to be defined as transferred via the mother (for the purpose of discriminating between "true" Jews & Jews believing in Jesus etc). This, of course, constituted a bottleneck which was later radically changed in islam so that whoever female raped* by a muslim could produce new muslims.

* Because Koran & Sharia says rape doesn't exist in islam (because women have sexually to submit under the man's demand) one may describe the islamic system as pure rapetivism.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Searching for "god"? Stop it & rather focus on why 2/3 of muslims support islamofascism!

Read EMAH & learn where & how consciousness/mind is located & how it works better without a "god" or Mideast monotheist "religions" (see Klevius definition of religion)!

Some "researchers" at the cognitive neuroscience section at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) make fools of themselves by announcing they know where religious beliefs (which they, funny & foolish enough (see Klevius definition of religion), equate with "thinking about God") exist in the brain.

By presenting stupid* propositions like "God is angry at human behavior," or "There is no higher purpose" to 40 people — some religious, some nonreligious - the "researchers" just checked the blood flow on simple crude brain scan images.
* For a godist "god" is this person's own conscience, albeit presented in a way that makes it look as removed from ones own responsibility. On the other hand is "higher purpose" made looking, well, "higher" & hence synonymous to this alleged "god's" will. This is the classic paradox of godists. First you present something "non-believer" can't understand (simply because the real "god" is you yourself under cover) & then you ask if s/he believes in it!?

To their excitement they found that the statements caused "heightened activity in areas of the brain involved in empathy, and in deciphering what other people might be thinking. It lit up the same areas of the brain we use to decipher the emotions and intentions of other people".

"There was no difference," says Jordan Grafman who is in charge for these stupidities (Well, of course they aren't really stupidities but rather politics).

They also concluded that "humans are extremely good" at this ability called "theory of mind" or "theory of other minds" while "Some other species, including great apes, appear to have a less advanced theory of mind".

Klevius comment: So what abt cats & dogs you silly idiots? & Buddhists & Atheists etc?! Do I recognize the awful smell of "religious" (read MIdeastern monotheisms) racism. Without a Mideastern "god" you really don't count among the "advanced", do you!

In conclusion these caricatures of researchers "found that thinking about God activates the same parts of the brain we use for empathy and human understanding", & hence "that religion may have developed as the human brain evolved its capacity for complex social interactions".

Klevius comment: For some apparently, although not for me & the majority of humanity...

All of this non sense is then wrapped in a completely unfounded, not to say racist formula that purports that one or several (usually some of the Mideastern sexist monotheist ones) "religion" are socially superior to non-monotheist ways of dealing with the world. And they continue preaching this empty mantra while reality disproves them over & over again.

2/3 of muslims are islamofascists according to recent polls

Andrew G. Bostom: "During a thoughtful, revealing interview with the Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby (published March 8, 2009), Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders clearly unnerved the mainstream conservative journalist with this frank characterization of Islam:

I have nothing against the people. I don't hate Muslims. But Islam is a totalitarian ideology. It rules every aspect of life - economics, family law, whatever. It has religious symbols, it has a God, it has a book - but it's not a religion. It can be compared with totalitarian ideologies like Communism or fascism. There is no country where Islam is dominant where you have a real democracy, a real separation between church and state. Islam is totally contrary to our values.

Wilders remained steadfast, dismissing Jacoby’s invocation of the hollow, if oft repeated trope “radical Islam is the problem, and moderate Islam is the solution.” This tired mantra—reiterated constantly for the past decade without a scintilla of supportive evidence—is defied by hard polling data from 2006/2007, and their most recent follow-up reported February 25, 2009. Overwhelming Muslim majorities i.e., better than two-thirds of a well-conducted survey of the world’s most significant, and populous Arab and non-Arab Muslim countries, want these hideous, immoderate outcomes: “strict application” of Shari’a, Islamic Law, and a global Caliphate.
Specifically, the World Public University of Maryland poll (released February 25, 2009) indicated the following about our erstwhile Muslim ally nations of Egypt and Pakistan: 81% of the Muslims of “moderate” Egypt, the largest Arab Muslim nation, desire a “strict” application of Shari’a, Islamic Law; 76% of the Pakistan’s Muslims—one of the most important, and sizable non-Arab Muslim populations—want this outcome. Furthermore, 70% of Egyptian Muslims and 69% of Pakistani Muslims desire the re-creation of a “…single Islamic state or Caliphate.” Earlier, I detailed the totalitarian impact of these fulfilled Islamic desires —based upon their doctrinal and historical application, across space and time."