
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The reality of human evolution inevitably seems to side with Klevius!

Peter Klevius seems to be the only anthropologist today who isn't confused by incoming new data!

Modern intelligent humans evolved in cold and challenging but also extremely protein rich Siberia where big headed northern Neanderthals encountered (raped) smaller but proportionally more intelligent Homo floresiensis relatives from SE-Asia. As you hopefully already knew, Homo floresiensis resided at the very place where we now see most of genetic Denisovan ancestry. Moreover, what has puzzled all other anthropologists except Klevius, is the fact that despite its extremely small brain, Homo floresiensis managed to make tools, fire, and hunt in a similar way as Homos with more than double its brain size. And although its relatives on the way up through what is now China, became slightly bigger, it was only after having met with Nanderthals (and possibly other archaic Homos) the real intellectual explosion took place, as exemplified by the extremely sophisticated Denisova bracelet. And the reason why this cultural leap got a European bias is that there were 1) bigger Homos (arhaic Homos and Neanderthals), and 2) it was the natural extension of the Siberian protein steppe.

Since 1980, in a letter to George Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor at Cambridge) Peter Klevius has proposed Central/Northern-Asia as the real point of departure for what we reasonably may call modern humans. Since 2004 Klevius has also presented this view on the web (Out of Africa as bipedal apes and back as global mongoloids) for everyone to contemplate. And nothing has been added to that page since. Why? Because reality has made the job for Klevius. And the overall correspondence is so overwhelming that correcting small details has been unnecessary because it wouldn't have changed anything essential.

First came Homo floresiensis, then the Denisovan and the Neanderthal genome, and now the genetic relation between Europeans and native Americans. All in perfect line with what Peter Klevius has written all the time (1980, 1981, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2004 etc).

On top of this we have the newly proposed linguistic connection between American indians and Uralic languages. What can Klevius possibly say to all of this?

Well, he could say: Get rid of your bias stupid if you want to get closer to reality (yes, Klevius is an empiricist and not a realist - but that's an other topic - see EMAH)!

So what's the secret behind this theoretical success (also compare Klevius success on AI philosophy on what is consciousness and how the brain works)?

Well, a good brain doesn't hurt but is useless unless it's combined with a rigorous anti-bias approach (i.e. self criticism). To tell the truth, all of this then became quite obvious when applied to what we actually already knew about human migration etc.

Nothing, not even European paleo-art, beats the findings at the Denisova cave in the Altai region of Siberia. Moreover, Denisova is situated exactly where Wells placed the genetic split point from which modern humans spread all over the planet (incl. into Africa).

A modern male Homo sapiens sapiens*. This particular individual belongs to the bastard race that was the result when mongoloids mixed with archaic Homos.

* Peter Klevius contemplating human evolution, consciousness and sex segregation. His father was a Goth from Gothenburg (possibly Sweden's best chess player of his time) and his mother was from Finland and possessed some mongoloid features (she was extremely intelligent - just like her two brothers). Klevius himself may in this context be seen as a step downwards, i..e. in line with an overall progression towards a more diluted absolute intelligence. Klevius half sister (same mother but different father) follows the same trend and scored only 167 on an IBM IQ test long ago.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

To BBC's islamofascist* Sharia presenter Mishal Husain: Why don't you tell the Brits that islam is against Human Rights?!

* i.e. a person who knowingly supports a totalitarian ideology that is against basic Human Rights

Have you noticed how racist and misogynist anti-Human Rights islam pushes women to represent itself?

Klevius suggestion to BBC's muslim islam propagandist Mishal Husain: Tell the license fee paying Brits about OIC's Cairo declaration and that it considers basic Human Rights (e.g. equal rights for women) a crime against basic Sharia! And Mishal, try to tell the truth about it. Yes, I know, it will hurt many muslims and "muslims". But, as Karin Boye (Swedish author of Callocain, a classic dystopia - well on pair with Huxley and Orwell - criticizing totalitarian ideologies) used to put it: 'Of course it hurts when buds burst'!

Klevius translation of Karin Boye's* poem:

* Karin Boye was born in Gothenburg, Sweden

yes, it hurts when buds burst
why should otherwise the spring hesitate
why should all our passionate longing
be tied to frozen bitter paleness
the envelope, though, was the bud all the winter
what is this new thing that taxes and bursts
yes, it hurts when buds burst,
hurts what grows and what confines

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common

So why is Klevius targeting Mishal Husain? Simply because she represents a threat against the free world far more deceptive than the misled woman above and her bearded islamofanatic pals! Mishal Husain knows very well that Klevius tells the truth about islam, its parasitic origin, its slavery finance, its rapetivism etc - and if she doesn't I'm surprised and will forgive her just like I forgive all other ignorant muslims.

Listen to Mishal Husain's blood thirsty voice by playing this video

Mishal Husain was chosen by BBC allegedly to help adjusting BBC's skewed sex-ratio (not gender ratio - gender means culture*). However, the main reason was without a doubt because she was muslim (and the right sort of muslim of course).

* read Klevius sex and gender tutorial

Klevius comment: So in short, BBC managed to employ a woman who is against basic Human Rights for women while trying to make the public believe it was for equality between the sexes! I 43w5 my case.

Klevius question to Mishal Husain: Is it true that you have forgotten so much about your law studies that you don't realize that islam and Human Rights are each others very opposites and that that's the reason why OIC (all muslims world organization, i.e. islam today) abandoned Human Rights?!

Moreover, when your muslim Pakistani friends in Sheffield now are busy racially profiling Roma people, what do you think Mishal, should we call them with all the same names as we use to call other racial profilers?

Islam's horrifying Indian slave raids/trades:

Then came Islam - slaughter, slavery, rape, violence, pillage; destruction of religious sites, art and architecture; poverty, exploitation, humiliation, famine, forced conversion, decline in intellectual pursuits, social destruction and a worsening of social ills.  To Islam, anything that is not Islamic is from a time of ignorance –Jahiliyya- and must be destroyed (or appropriated and called Islam’s!).  The onslaught created the Roma (gypsies), destroyed ‘Hindu’ Afghanistan and formed Pakistan (Kashmir) and Bangladesh .

The cost of the Muslim invasions is massive in lives, wealth and culture.   Estimates suggest that  60-80 MILLION died at the hands of Muslim invaders and rulers between 1000 and 1525 alone (ie over 500 years-the population FELL).  (Lal cited in Khan p 216)  Impossible you think?   In the war of Independence of Bangladesh, 1971, the Muslim Pakistani army killed 1.5-3 million people (mainly Muslims ...) in just 9 MONTHS. (Khan p 216).  The world looked the other way—but don’t we always when it’s Muslims committing the violence!

Should BBC's presenter of Human Rights violating Sharia'h islamofascism, Mishal Husain be awarded as Britain's most hypocritical bigot*?

When muslims now racially profile and stereotype Roma people in Europe - the people that fled islamic terror and slavery more than thousand years ago - a tragic historical irony about Pakistan appears.

* A bigot is a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc.
Mishal Husain says she's a muslim (how many hundred millions of muslims wouldn't say she's not?) 

Who is the worst hypocrite among muslim women in Britain? I know, it's a tough one. Competition is extremely hard. Just consider, for example, Sayeeda Warsi, minister of islamofascism and Britain's messenger at the Saudi based OIC - all the world's muslim's Sharia (Sharia'h) organization, which has clearly stated, via UN etc (look it up, ignorant) that it considers basic Human Rights a "crime" against islamic Sharia (Sharia'h)!

Apart from Klevius' rock solid islam criticism, here are some other critical voices on OIC's Sharia declaration for the whole world's muslim population. No offense!

The CDHRI has been criticized for being implemented by a set of states with widely disparate religious policies and practices who had "a shared interest in disarming international criticism of their domestic human rights record."

Article 24 of the declaration states: "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Sharia." Article 19 also says: "There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Sharia."

The CDHRI has been criticised for failing to guarantee freedom of religion, in particular the right of each and every individual to change their religion, as a "fundamental and nonderogable right".

In a joint written statement submitted by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a non-governmental organization in special consultative status, the Association for World Education (AWE) and the Association of World Citizens (AWC), a number of concerns were raised that the CDHRI limits human rights, religious freedom, and freedom of expression. The statement concludes, "The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam is clearly an attempt to limit the rights enshrined in the UDHR and the International Covenants. It can in no sense be seen as complementary to the Universal Declaration."

The Centre for Inquiry in September 2008 in an article to the United Nations writes that the CDHRI "undermines equality of persons and freedom of expression and religion by imposing restrictions on nearly every human right based on Islamic Sharia law."

Rhona Smith writes that because the CDHRI's reference to Shariah implies an inherent degree of superiority of men.

Adama Dieng, a member of the International Commission of Jurists, criticised the CDHRI. He argued that the declaration gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus on which the international human rights instruments are based; that it introduces intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims and women. He further argued that the CDHRI reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, to the point that certain essential provisions are below the legal standards in effect in a number of Muslim countries; it uses the cover of the "Islamic Shari'a (Law)" to justify the legitimacy of practices, such as corporal punishment, which attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.

Some random reports re. islam (from Pamela Geller's Atlasshrugs - you know, the Jew that wasn't allowed to enter England because UK muslims don't like truthsayers

In the "Stockholm Syndrome," now seen, ironically, in Sweden, victims start bonding with their abusers in the wish that if they share the same values as their abusers, their abusers might stop abusing them. "We must be open and tolerant toward Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so toward us." — Jens Orback, former Swedish government minister.

The European Union [EU] is singling out Israel for sanctions. Not only are the officials at the EU failing to boycott other regions that legally count as occupied territories, but they are actively aiding at least one clearly occupying power, Turkey, in the Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus: in 2006, the EU approved a $259 million aid package for the Turkish Cypriot community there. In addition to that double-standard, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton, has revealed noticeable prejudice on multiple occasions, the latest example being when she felt compelled to compare the Toulouse massacre to "what's happening in Gaza," any similarities to which would objectively be hard to come by.

Hamas Threatens Israel with Genocide

You cannot make peace with an adversary that refuses to recognize your existence. You cannot make peace with an adversary whose goal is your annihilation.

You cannot make peace with a devout adversary whose religion demands the annihilation of the Jews.

    [You] Zionists, you have no place on the land of Palestine ... we shall expel you from our land and we will fight against you on it [on the land], we will kill you or expel you from it when you are submissive ... the jihad and the martyrdom in the way of Allah are our road and our track which are meant to fulfill our triumphs and fulfill and protect our [Muslim] nation.

And the world roots for the annihilationists. They loved Hitler, too, until he lost the war.

    "Hamas Threatens Israel with Genocide" INN, November 22, 2013
    Members of Hamas have recently implied that once the balance of power changes, the terror group will commit genocide against Israelis.

Muslim Couple held 3 women slaves in London for 30 years
Where is slavery still rampant and sanctioned? The Muslim world. "Two people accused of enslaving three women for more than 30 years had been on the radar of the authorities since the 1970s when they were arrested by police." "Asian" is UK media-speak for Muslim.

The pair, thought to be Asian and illegal immigrants, were first arrested by the Metropolitan Police almost 40 years ago. They were detained again Thursday morning as part of an investigation into slavery but were released on bail to a date in January after several hours of questioning.

This is consistent with Islamic teachings -- the taking of infidel women as sex slaves is in accordance with Islamic law.

Our ads offering help for vicitms like this are banned.

A spokesman for David Cameron, the British prime minister, said he regarded the case as “utterly appalling.”

Cameron's crocodile tears are transparent. He advocates and supports the very ideology that makes for this kind of abuse and slavery. What is utterly appalling is Cameron's craven dhimmitude.

The women — a 69-year-old from Malaysia, a 57-year-old from Ireland and a 30-year-old Briton — were subjected to decades of physical abuse and beatings after being brainwashed by their captors in a house in Lambeth, south London.

The women — a 69-year-old from Malaysia, a 57-year-old from Ireland and a 30-year-old Briton — were subjected to decades of physical abuse and beatings after being brainwashed by their captors in a house in Lambeth, south London.

“What [we] are trying to understand is what were the invisible handcuffs that were used to exert such a degree of control over these women. Trying to label this investigation as domestic servitude or forced labour is far too simple. What we have uncovered so far is a complicated and disturbing picture of emotional control over many years; brainwashing would be the simplest term, yet that belittles the years of emotional abuse these victims have had to endure.

In March 2012, 16-year-old Filali committed suicide in the northern town of Larache by taking rat poison after she was forced to marry her rapist.

Her death provoked several demonstrations and the Twitter hashtag #RIPAmina to demand the repeal of Article 475.
According to Article 475, a rapist can avoid a prison sentence by marrying his victim. The law is based on a similar measure in France.

Obama lifted the ban on child soldiers, reversing President George W. Bush's law, the  “Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008.” That law that made it a federal crime to recruit or use soldiers under the age of 15. The law also gave the United States authority to “prosecute, deport or deny entry to individuals who have knowingly recruited children as soldiers.”

British Students Threatened With "Racial Discrimination Note" For Skipping Islamic Field Trip
    Refusal to allow your child to attend this trip will result in a Racial Discrimination note being attached to your child's education record, which will remain on this file throughout their school career.

How severe the dhimmis are in enforcing, promoting dawah (proselytizing for Islam, a religious mandate). How stern. If only they had such conviction, such civilizational self-esteem. Parents should organize and protest, or will they, too, suffer a permanent mark on their record?

Educate yourself on Negative Human Rights

Mishal Husain, OIC, Roma, Sayeeda Warsi, Sharia, Sharia'h, Sheffield,

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Trying to hide the main (and evil) pillar of islam in the deep sea while it's still around and well


Listen to Mishal Husain's blood thirsty voice by playing this video

Mishal Husain was chosen by BBC allegedly to help adjusting BBC's skewed sex-ratio (not gender ratio - gender means culture*). However, the main reason was without a doubt because she was muslim (and the right sort of muslim of course).

* read Klevius sex and gender tutorial

Klevius comment: So in short, BBC managed to employ a woman who is against basic Human Rights for women while trying to make the public believe it was for equality between the sexes!

British soldier gets life in prison for fighting muslim terrorists while murderer Obama continues sitting in the White House

Here's an other muslim born* (apostate?!) supporter of Human Rights violating evil islam. He is still at large although he has committed exactly the same crime (i.e. murdering a muslim terrorist) as the British soldier who faces life in prison. Only difference being that Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Husain Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) from a calm and safe White House not only ordered the murdering (not the capture/arrest) of Osama bin Laden, but also ordered the desecration of his body by throwing it in the sea, whereas the British soldier was under extreme psychological stress in intensive action after having fought against a muslim who wanted to murder him and who had already and just before not only murdered his pals but also hanged their mutilated body parts around the place! And the British soldier not even murdered the muslim terrorist. Murder needs intent and he thought the muslim terrorist was already dead when he in his anger and stress shot a bullet in what he thought was a corpse. Wrong yes (i.e. desecration of a dead), but not a murder and not at all comparable with Obama's crime.

* Would you believe it! There are still media people blabbing the nonsense mantra that Obama isn't a muslim (or a muslim apostate)! Born to a muslim father makes you a muslim according to islam and the only way out is apostasy, period! It's the very basic principle of islam! And it doesn't help at all if your father wasn't an "active muslim".

For you who have not yet realized that islam throughout 1400 years is (by far) the worst ideological hate crime ever committed against humanity - please make yourself a service and study history! It's all there and the deeper you dig the more it will smell, believe you me! And this is the reason why islam supporters have to use such low means as "islamophobia", blasphemy laws, muslim "sensitivities" etc etc!

It's all up to you, either you support Human Rights equality or islamic Sharia racism/sexism!

Friday, November 01, 2013

Mishal Husain BBC's Sharia presenter against Human Rights

Rat or mouse?

A "presenter"  of anti Human Rights evil disguised with "right" accent and "right" education

                                          play video and judge for yourself

This muslim woman was chosen by BBC allegedly to help adjusting BBC's skewed sex-ratio (not gender ratio - gender means culture*). However, the main reason was without a doubt because she was muslim (and the right sort of muslim of course).

* read Klevius sex and gender tutorial

Klevius comment: So in short, BBC managed to employ a woman who is against basic Human Rights for women while trying to make the public believe it was for equality between the sexes!

here's what Klevius wrote five years ago

Thursday, December 04, 2008

WARNING! Born antifascist, UN is now, 60 years later, the main defender of (islamo)fascism - by the help of spineless idiots!

Saudi Arabia, the homeland of islam, the worst crime ever against humanity, & the most intolerant, hate mongering sexist & racist nation in the world (btw, 15 of the 19 Wahhabi Arabs of the 9/11 attacks were Saudis following Saudi-born Osama bin Laden) has now taken over the institution that was created precisely as a protection against such nations & movements!

In November 24, 2008, U.N. passed a draft resolution against "defamation of islam", initiated by Saudi Arabia + 56 other islamofascist member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

The propaanda background was the 2005 Danish cartoon "controversy" which started almost half a year after the images of Muhammad were first published, but just before the UNHCR was about to consider the OIC's resolution on "Combating Defamation of islam". According to the National Secular Society in its Memorandum to the UK Parliament "the Danish cartoon crisis was manufactured…to exploit sensitivities around racial discrimination and to promote (or even exaggerate) the notion of 'Islamophobia' in order to restrict possibilities for open discussion or criticism of Islam….[M]easures calling for legislation banning 'defamation of religion' …. aim[] to remove religion, especially Islam, from public scrutiny and public debate".

A meeting, closed to the press, with Ban Ki-moon to which General Assembly President "Father" Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann invited member states, secretly discussed islamofascist Abdullah's initiatives. Ban Ki-moon's envoy Terje Roed Larsen, keen on Saudi funding, seems to have been Saudi Abdullah's eager errand boy in this deeply embarrassing & evil matter.

When Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann was asked about the "defamation of islam" resolution first he said he'd never heard abt it. However, when asked what he thought abt a resolution that violated freedom of expression, he said "Defamation of religion should be banned".

The OIC bloc of Islamic nations also demands us to stop using the word ‘islam’ in reports on islamic terrorism!

Klevius comment: extreme reality-avoidance
Indite islam! Fascism is a crime in most of the free, non-islamic world!

And make the story abt Ayaan Hirsi Ali compulsory teaching at school. And if you haven’t time enough, remove islam propaganda from the curricullum!

When will the world wake up? Too late again?!