Today during the summer solstice at the height of the Fennoscandian Midsommar celebration at Stonehenge etc. (or Midsummer in the Fennoscandian creole language called English after the Anglo-Saxons who originated in Fennoscandia where the Sun never sets) islamofascism* supporting BBC "News" don't even mention it but instead had a long interview about islamic Moon celebration!
* Islamofascism is here defined as the deliberate violation of the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights as seen in OIC's sharia declaration from 1990 (CDHRI).
Peter Klevius wrote:
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Peter Klevius wishes God Midsommar - "Good Midsummer", in the Swedish dialect called English* - and explains how the Nordic Sun spread all the way to Egypt.
Peter Klevius wonders if it isn't about time to release all women from medieval cattle status by giving them full Human Rights equality in accordance with the anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-sexist Universal Human Rights declaration from 1948?
Whereas the Egyptian Sun has a boring personality, the Nordic Sun is extremely different and therefore also the only plausable origin of Sun astronomy - and mythology* - from the Midwinter lack of Sun alltogether to the around the clock Sun of Midsummer.
* Wikipedia etc. sources suffer from an extremel and stupid bias which tend to push for the use of the word 'religion' all over the place, as it would stand for something inevitable, just to boost "monotheisms" as the ultimate (supremacist) state of mind. Comes handy against Atheist Chinese etc. as well.
However, as Peter Klevius has repeatedly tried to make you understand, "monotheist" religions are always at fault with Universl Human Rights equality.
The more than 3000-year-old Bjornstad Ship had room for more than 50 people. There’s a 4-metre-long picture of the ship on a rock wall just south of Sarpsborg, in southeastern Norway north of Gothenburg, Sweden.
It was with ships like these that Nordic warriors "civilized" the south.
Peter Klevius "gender perspective" on "women agency" in history and pre-history.
Rape is the natural reproductive strategy among most primates. This is why males are so much bigger than females. And when females got bigger they were statistically less likely to have equally many children as the smaller ones. Then the long era of human hunting/gathering societies made sexual dimorphism less pronounced. However, according to Peter Klevius, the transition to investment societies (cattle breeding, farming etc.) resulted in expanded demands for resources. Read Peter Klevius book Demand for Resources (1992) to better unsderstand this. As a consequence female humans became degraded to cattle investment as well, so to produce as many male warriors as possible. This sex segregation/apartheid was the true origin of "monotheist" religions.
However, when Finland as the first in the world introduced full suffrage which included all women, this was the first major step.
And when most countries - except e.g. Australia, Switzerland etc. - had adopted full suffrage and state fascism was defeated, then in 1948 the Universal Human Rights declaration was created. However, precisely because full Human Rights equality for women didn't fit islam, Saudi based and steered all muslims world organization OIC decided not to reform islam by giving women H12uman Rights equality.
Alsodo remember that extremely religious and sex segregated US still doens't give women full equality in the US Constitution.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Our IQ descent from Denisova to tech civilization*.
What's your ideal scientist? Filled with super intelligence and intellect, and lacking bias, right?
The popular but miserably wrong PC idea is that it was somehow "cooperation", not intelligence, that sparked the birth and spread of modern humans and our technology. Both Svante Pääbo and Peter Klevius think not. Peter Klevius even questions the very concept 'cooperation' because he can't comprehend how it would be even possible in any 'social group' not to cooperate without losing membership in it - even temporarily. Peter Klevius exemplified it in Demand for Resources with reports about "evil bushmen" individuals who were actually outcasts and therefor no longer San in any meaningful sense (1992:66).Resursbegär (Demand for Resources by Peter Klevius 1992, ISBN 9173288411).
The civilized human walks
back in her/his foot steps,
strikes a light and lets her/himself be enlightened
and glorified
Only the forgotten suffering,
and the shadow behind her/him,
hovering over the future,
are greater (P. Klevius 1992).
The archeologist of knowledge finds
in his/her digging
often him/herself (P. Klevius 1992)
The concept of freedom is created,
like diamonds,
only under pressure (P. Klevius 1992).
* In Demand for Resources (Klevius, 1992 - original title Resursbegär) - and resting on Claude Levi-Strauss' use of terminology from thermodynamics in cultural anthropology - Peter Klevius defines 'civilization' as an ordered investment (warm) society which, precisely because of its dynamics, produces disorder (also described as 'uncertainty' in P. Klevius 1981) - unlike doxic (cold) hunter-gatherer societies. According to Peter Klevius definition of science as 'lack of bias', we ought to do our best as scientists to reject bias whenever we spot it, and in this strive (we can of course never be fully unbiased but our strive ought to be - if deserving the title 'scientific') we also need to include the whole of humankind - because which non-human could we possibly use as reference (1992:36-39). Basic research is dynamic and consists of throwing unrelated thoughts (often, but not necessarily, born out of anomalies) into an existing discourse or paradigm where they can reveal new directions. Peter Klevius' critical use of the concept 'evolution' makes it nonsensical to attribute it with anything else than back projection. And on that route there are no meaningful stops called 'life' or 'human'. However, when we talk 'anatomically modern' we shouldn't include anatomically archaics but rather the average of whatever human group of today. And when it comes to modern brains we ought to check the top of the pile, not the bottom. Evolution can't be said to have "a will of its own", "fail" or be "successful". Evolution is the history of the contemporary state of the world. But a history that can't be biased without losing its very meaning (Klevius 1992, scattered all over the book).
Women from the north spred high IQ over the world
Like Svante Pääbo, but unlike most other anthropologists, Peter Klevius sees a clear jump in intelligence some 50,000 or more years ago. And based on artefacts, genes etc. the location seems to have been in the northern and eastern part of Eurasia as well as in SE Asia. And according to Peter Klevius, something like Homo floresiensis produced a better functioning brain that via temporal landbridges entered mainland Asia and spread into big northern skulls. Unfortunately we don't know anything about the genetics of Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS) before Ust-ishim man from Russia 45,000 bp. Did the new brain setup enter the Liujiang line before, or after the mixing we see in the Denisova cave? However, the new human was born and spread all over the world while the very edge of the new setup became diluted, hence leaving most of it in the sparsely populated north.
I1 is the main yDNA that spred mongoloid IQ in some of their big bodies. The sea-people, the Goths, the Vikings, may all - at least partially - be example of this. 20 big armed men in a boat means nothing - unless they are led by someone like Christopher Polhem (the father of industrialization), Isaac Newton or so. And of course high IQ could have sipped down via other hgs as well - but not always equally tall as the I1s (I1 and I2 are known for the tallest average in the world). Rs were possibly smarter than Is but not equally big. And it needed just a few super smart Is to make extraordinary difference.
The east Eurasian river systems have played a crucial role.
Mongoloid remnant populations.
Peter Klevius to James P. Mallory*: How the tall "Finland-Swedes"** conquered the world - and why tall and blonde Finns share linguistic roots*** and yDNA with short and darkhaired Sami.
* In a lecture 2011 James Mallory was asked whether he saw any connection between the spread of Indo-European languages and the much earlier Aurignacian culture (see what Peter Klevius wrote about Aurignacian on his web-museum before he heard about Homo floresiensis 2004). He answered by asking whether it would be likely that the Irish and the Tocharians could have come up with the same proto-words. Of course not. However, there is indeed a connection that Peter Klevius has proposed since 1979-80 - first in a correspondence with Georg H. von Wright (whom Wittgenstein chose as his successor at Cambridge) in which he pointed out the fact that intellectual traces didn't point out of "the cradle of civilization" but rather into it and from the north.** The north Europeans who in wave after wave conquered the south - ending with colonialism and the spread of the global industrial/techno complex.
*** The Finns are basically Kurgan leftovers in the woodlands between northern tundra mongoloid females and southern steppe males (see below) and Finnish - which consists of more than 99% loanwords - isn't a proper language. However, some 200-300 Finnish words still in use are more or less identical to proto-Uralic. As James Mallory has pointed out, PIE is mostly artificial compared to proto-Uralic. In other words, when you see the * sign in front of an IE word it's usually construed by linguists whereas a * in front of a PU word is usually discovered by linguists.
Acknowledgement: Peter Klevius main scientific asset (except for his brain) is his lack of ties to universities, corporations, politics, religion etc. This is why Peter Klevius has to refer to himself all the time, because no one else does - no matter how good science he produces. Even his approved thesises in universities have been left in complete silence. I mean, who'd like a guy who says islam is bad, that we didn't come out of Africa, that humans aren't "special", and that everyone, incl. women, should have the same rights (as stated in the anti-fascist Universal Human Rights declaration of 1948). It's also a tactics to distinguish himself from charlatans - both those inside the so called "scientific community" who get their names published for no reason whatsoever, as well as from those outside who don't, yet who mimic the former. Anyone who follows Peter Klevius will sooner or later get hurt, not because of flaws in Peter Klevius logic but because what it reveals in themselves. So for example, who can deny Peter Klevius analysis on negative Human Righst without hurting themselves? Yes, curing ones racism and sexism incl. fascist tendencies, will of course hurt. Hand on heart, have you ever realized that the fascists were like you? Or have you just avoided the problem by pointing to Hitler and/or just using the N word on ordinary Germans back then?
So why is Peter Klevius - "the extremely normal" - constantly referring to himself? Isn't it selfish? Not at all because Peter Klevius doesn't have a "self"*. Nor does he like to refer to himself (sic) as 'it'.
* From Peter Klevius web museum from 2003: Although it might be convincingly argued that Peter Klevius has created the thoughts below, he would have been completely helpless in this task without an assisting world*). Because Klevius is a product of his environment history we might argue that there is no principal (only qualitative) difference between his (i.e. the "person"/social coordinate, we use as a center for particular sets of arbitrary interpretations) "original" thoughts and his thoughts after corrections via others on this Internet web. It's only an on-going evolution/change. What is qualitatively new is his role as a "starting point" (source code) for this particular strain of thoughts in the fast growing global brain (Internet), which is progressively eating up much of what we have used to consider human thinking (just as math was expanded by calculators, but at a much larger scale). Furthermore Internet has shortened the distance for "historical socialization", i.e. the discursive process whereby we use to create "social sense", i.e. making/living the world (see EMAH - the Even More Astonishing Hypothesis).
Why it's important - especially for "Africans" and "native" peoples - to debunk the out-of-Africa modern myth and replace it with reality, not PC.
Is there a country where Peter Klevius wouldn't be told to 'go home'?
Someone stole Peter Klevius "white privileges" already when he was born, and as a teenager he was multiple times and completely unprovokedly told to 'go home' both in his country of birth and the country he worked and studied in, and as an adult he was again repeatedly told to go home from two additional countries. However, Peter Klevius was stupid enough not to ever consider himself as part of his type of "lives matter" "community". Yes, it's indeed less visible than the black, female, muslim etc. "communiities". So what! It's probably bigger than any of those - but less suitable for political race propaganda.
So where are Peter Klevius "sacred places" and how are they "protected"? Or are Peter Klevius fiktive connections to the past less important than fictive connections to the past of other "indigenous" peoples? The web defines "indigenous peoples" as 'inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live'. Exactly! Fits Peter Klevius perfectly - and a couple of billion others. Just asking...
Peter Klevius in the wonderland of evolution.
Talking about segregating people in "sacred" and not so "sacred", Peter Klevius was really happy when his research first brought him away from Europe. A "white" European male finding something in Europe was tabu already in the 1970s. And he became even more happy when he (1992) connected the east Asian looking Jinniushan skeleton from northern China with mongoloid Khoisan in southern Africa. And the very climax came with the revelation of Homo floresiensis* 2004, which gave the answer to Peter Klevius question (1992) why the Jinniushan people never went to the Moon despite having bigger brains than most humans today. The answer was that Homo floresiensis had a much better packed brain, and that the new brain setup hadn't arrived as yet.* Although Homo floresiensis is the most revolutionary anthropological find ever, it was dismissed and ridiculed as just a weird "Hobbit puzzle", and even declared by many so called "scientists" as not a discovery at all - ranging from that it was a sick modern human who had visited a dentist, to silent denial. However, do consider that when a roughly similar sized and bodied - but with an apelike skull - was found in Africa in the 1970s, it was immediately elevated as the mother of humankind - as was mtDNA from modern Africans in the 1980s said to point to "an African Eve".
And when in 2008 Peter Klevius heard about the Denisova bracelet he immediately connected it to Homo floresiensis whom the "scientific community" considered either having a too small a brain to make the tools it really made, or just being a "puzzling hobbit". Again Peter Klevius seems to have been the first one to realize that Homo floresiensis was the answer to the question why Jinniushan didn't go to the Moon (Klevius 1992). For that to happen a modern brain setup was needed. Homo floresiensis had it, and although it itself may never have contributed directly by crossing the Wallace line, its relatives on the other side (the volatile Sundaland) did.
Homo floresiensis evolved from scratch in SE Asia, and its relatives north of the Wallace line became us* - after repeated evolution back and forth and spiced with hybridization and local adaptation.
* Every serious anthropologist has to admit that against the background of what we know today Homo floresiensis can't possibly have come out of Africa (or Eurasia). Its modern head and its primitive (but bipedal) morphology from the neck down doesn't fit with any out-of-Africa fantasy.Homo floresiensis exposed the true "missing link" in the out-of-Africa dogma, i.e. how repeated back migration and isolation explains both body morphology (a mix of australopithecus and Homo habilis)* as well as a better packed brain (more IQ per volume and a rounded human like skull). The former as a result of repeated explorations outside the jungle (Sahul) and the latter the result of size reduction due to jungle isolation where only those survived who could keep the same intelligence in a smaller brain case.
* All these supposedly African "species" are just remnants from the in-flow from outside Africa. Just take a look at the timeline of African fossils and you'll see an undeniable pattern from the north-east to the south.
Instead of calling it a 'hobbit', Homo floresiensis
Proto-Homo floresiensis type apes must have been widespread all over south-east Asia. This would mean that Homo floresiensis type of Hominines evolved both in Sahul as well as Sundaland. However, only those (e-g- Homo erectus) in Sundaland spred over (and came back from) the world. This is just one reason why the existence of Homo floresiensis behind the Wallace line disproves any out-of-Africa fantasy - not to mention that Africa is a continent that never has had enough isolating borders to evolve primates - and even less so for those with long-distance terrestrial bipedal locomotion. The "proto-type" always needs to come from somewhere else. And the very thought that Africa could hide and evolve bipedal genes to become modern humans is simply ridiculous. Its only merit is its PC value.
The spurious view that a predecessor to Homo floresiensis left Africa - without any trace whatsoever in the fossil etc. records - crossed Asia and then took the boat over the Wallace line is just, admit it, a scientific joke at best.
"Out of Africa" is equally holy and hollow as "islam is a peaceful religion".
Peter Klevius Unifying Theory on Human Evolution
Orangutans and humans shared a common ancestry more than 14 Mya, i.e. long before African apes. Some 12 Mya Danuvius guggenmosi, a possible ancestor to the lineage that includes Homo floresiensis, walked on two legs and climbed like an ape in what is now Germany.
Gigantopithecus is most closely related to Orangutans. The two species last shared a common ancestor 10–12 million years ago in the Miocene, a time when a burst of new great ape species evolved
Homo floresiensis, which has lived for at least a million years on both side of the Wallace line, is a bipedal ape with a Homo skull and with enough other Homo features to classify it as Homo. It must have evolved in SE Asia on the "wrong" side of the Wallace line. Homo habilis, which is the youngest possible morphological relative to Homo floresiensis can't have come from Africa to Flores later than 1.5 mya because it went extinct by then.
Oldest African dna is mongoloid (Khoi-San), i.e. not from Africa.
Whole genome molecular dating analyses indicate that the gibbon lineage diverged from that of great apes around 16.8 Mya (95% confidence interval: 15.9 – 17.6 Mya; given a divergence of 29 Mya from monkeys). Adaptive divergence associated with chromosomal rearrangements led to rapid radiation of the four genera <7 br="" mya.="">
Within apes (superfamily Hominoidea), the gibbons diverged during the early Miocene (between 19.7 and 24.1 mya, according to molecular evidence) and the orangutans split from the African great ape lineage between 15.7 and 19.3 mya
According to genetics—when combined with known fossils—the lineage that led to humans, chimps, and gorillas evolved from a common ancestor about 10 million years ago. However, part of the gorilla genome doesn't fit with the current structure of the great ape evolutionary tree.
The closest relatives of gorillas are the other two Homininae genera, chimpanzees and humans, all of them having diverged from a common ancestor about 7 million years ago.
Humans share at least 28 unique physical characteristics with orangutans but only 2 with chimps and 7 with gorillas
Features shared by both orangutans and humans include:
- thickly enameled molar teeth with flat surfaces,
- greater asymmetries between the left and right side of the brain,
- increased cartilage-to-bone ratio in the forearm,
- similarly shaped shoulder blades.
- a hole in the roof of the mouth that was supposedly unique to humans is also present in orangutans.
- humans and orangutans have the widest-separated mammary glands, and they grow the longest hair, and orangutans actually have a hairline, in contrast to virtually all primates, where the hair comes down to the top of the eyes.
- humans and orangutans share a common ancestor that excludes [living] African apes.
- a widely distributed orangutan-like ancestor of humans lived in Africa, Europe, and Asia some 13 million years ago.
- there are very few physical features linking chimps and humans
The continuous emergences and disappearances of land bridges throughout the Pleistocene in Southeast Asia vary dependent on various sea bottom depth and changes in overall sea level.
Shifts in forest habitats across land bridges spred over generations explains continental movements by primates already long before any monkeys and apes appeared.
This map by Peter Klevius was originally made 2012 but because of Peter Klevius cowardliness it still possessed a remnant of PC bias in that it mentioned African savanna as apossibility. Peter Klevius apologizes and feels deeply ashamed about himself. Sorry...
Evolution of bipedalism
Some 12 Mya Danuvius guggenmosi walked on two legs and climbed like an ape in what is now Germany.Evolution of the brain
The last model of the human brain came out of south east Asia less than 100,000 bp and made a revolution in Siberia. We know it because of genetic as well as cultural evidence. And according to Svante Pääbo, something must have happened with the brain setup some 50-60,000 bp. And according to Peter Klevius, this change was brought up from SE Asia, and may be represented by one of the two Denisovan lineages already documented.When the new brain setup reached big Homo sapiens skulls it resulted in a demographic "big bang" that spred mongoloid (cold adapted) Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS)* all over the world. As a consequence we got a racial pattern resulting from older Homo sapiens mixing with the mongoloid HSS.
* We used to distinguish between archaic Homo sapiens (HS) and ourselves, i.e. HSS. However, due to the lack of enough old HSS in sub-Saharan Africa, PC "science" blurred the line between them so to give Africa a better appearance. However, this also allowed to call a primitive skul from M2orocco 'modern'.
Because the north has been less populated than the south the new brain setup became genetically less diluted in the north. HS from the south stayed put while HSS didn't.
The "kurgan" giants and the daughters of the North*.
* Compare e.g. the Finish/Karelian Kaleva epos.The origin of tall "Kurgan people" is still a mystery. Already Turkana boy seems to have been quite tall and at a time relatively soon after the birth of HSS there were tall people in both Australia and Africa. The pattern throughout is one with short and tall populations living almost side by side. There are still today very short and very tall people living in Africa and the same was true for Australia less than 100 years ago.
And then Peter Klevius met the mongoloid woman whose brain power fueled some big "Kurgan" bodies in their endevours - i.e. repeatedly raiding from the north to the wealthy south.
And the password for entry was Finnish. No wonder because Finnish happens not to be a proper language (because 99% is loanwords) but certainly a gold mine when it comes to proto-Uralic words still in use.
Precisely because of the (understandable) neglect of the mostly cold, dark and sparsely populated mainly northern Russia and Finland, scientific bias created a puzzle with the key hidden in the evolution of Uralic-Finno-Ugric and the N R I yDNA triangle drama.
The elusive but interesting Proto-Baltic was created in the fault line between the rest of IE and Uralic-Finno-Ugric.
This part will be explored more in depth in the next part.
"Out of Africa" is equally holy, hollow and ridiculous as "islam is a peaceful* religion".
* How could the basic ideology of islam possibly be "peaceful" when it started under a hateful and violent supremacist "conquerer" and enslaver, who's still seen as infallable among his followers?Peter Klevius Unifying Theory on Human Evolution
Rudapithecus hungaricus was a chimpanzee-like ape which inhabited Europe during the late Miocene more than 10 Mya, i.e. 4 Mya before the chimp even existed.Following the pathetic PC creed that "we are all Africans", then lions, giraffes, schakals, hyenas, bovids, etc. "are all Eurasians" because that's where they originally came from. Same holds true for the lineage that led to humans.
Oldest African dna is mongoloid (Khoi-San), i.e. definitely not from Africa. They entered Africa from NE and were pushed to the south by Bantu colonizers.
"Races" before globalization. The gray area represents roughly what Peter Klevius calls the "bastard belt" between mongolids (red) and the rest.
Primate evolution started in SE Asia with tarsiers. Although media is full of misleading pro-Africa statements, just scratch the surface and you will soon see that "oldest found in Africa" titles are built on sand.Strepsirrhines diverged from the haplorhine primates near the beginning of the primate radiation, especially after the asteroid impact 66 mya which erased most insects in north America (and possibly elsewhere). According to Peter Klevius, this event may have contributed to primate evolution, although the main evolutionary factory was in the SE Asian archipelago. Mediterranean and Caribbean may or may not have contributed in some part other than hybridization and local adaptation.
Arboreal Carpolestes (a distant relative of the Plesiadapiforms) is a genus of extinct fruit-eating primate-like mammals from late Paleocene and represented by a 58 Mya fossil from North America. It had flattened fingernails on its feet but with claws on its grasping digits and no forward-facing eyes. One large, nail-tipped toe opposed other toes, allowing a firm grip on branches. Dental morphology suggests it was adapted for eating fruit, seeds, and invertebrates.
Already in Demand for Resources (1992:28) Peter Klevius took the view that tarsiers are at the root of the human lineage. This view was proven genetically correct 2016. Peter Klevius thinks tarsiers as well as Homo floresiensis lineages originally evolved in SE Asia. Against this background fhe feet arrangement is intriguing, to say the least.
The simians are sister to the tarsiers, together forming the haplorhines. The radiation may have occurred before or some 66-60 Mya and, according to Peter Klevius, may have been affected by asteroid impact on insects and flowers.
Tarsiers and simians are both Haplorhinis as opposed to Strepsirrhinis.
In Anthropoidea (monkeys, apes, and humans), evidence indicates that Old World and New World primates went through parallel evolution. This may be due to a connection to the asteroid event in north America. Monkeys went to south-America from the north, not the fanciful trip over the Atlantic ocean from Africa.
Monkeys and apes have a common ancestor and diverged in the Oligocene.
Whole genome molecular dating analyses indicate that the gibbon lineage diverged from the great apes around 17 Mya and divergence from monkeys 29 Mya.
Orangutans and humans shared a common ancestry more than 14 Mya, i.e. long before African apes. Some 12 Mya Danuvius guggenmosi, a possible ancestor to the lineage that includes Homo floresiensis, walked on two legs and climbed like an ape in what is now Germany.
Gigantopithecus is most closely related to Orangutans. The two species last shared a common ancestor 10–12 mya in the Miocene, a time when a burst of new great ape species evolved.
Sivapithecus is a genus of extinct apes with fossils from 12.2 Mya found in the Siwalik Hills, India.
The dryopithecine is an Afrocentric naming of apes that existed from 12 to 9 Mya. These apes were of course connected to similar ones coming out of Eurasia to Africa.
Within apes (superfamily Hominoidea), the gibbons diverged during the early Miocene (between 19.7 and 24.1 mya, according to molecular evidence) and the orangutans and African great ape lineage split between 15.7 and 19.3 mya.
Chimps, and gorillas evolved from a common ancestor about 10 mya. However, part of the gorilla genome doesn't fit with the current structure of the great ape evolutionary tree.
Homo floresiensis, which has lived for at least a million years behind the Wallace line, is a bipedal ape with a Homo skull and with enough other Homo features to classify as Homo. It must have evolved in SE Asia on the "wrong" side of the Wallace line. Homo habilis, which is the youngest possible morphological relative to Homo floresiensis can't possibly have come from Africa to Flores (and by boat) later than 1.5 Mya because it went extinct by then.
The out-of-Africa fact deniers preach that 'the closest relatives of gorillas are the other two Homininae genera, chimpanzees and humans', all of whom diverged from a common ancestor some 7 mya.
However, humans share at least 28 unique physical characteristics with orangutans but only 2 with chimps and 7 with gorillas.
Some features shared by both orangutans and humans include:
- thickly enameled molar teeth with flat surfaces,
- greater asymmetries between the left and right side of the brain,
- increased cartilage-to-bone ratio in the forearm,
- similarly shaped shoulder blades.
- a hole in the roof of the mouth that was supposedly unique to humans is also present in orangutans.
- humans and orangutans have the widest-separated mammary glands, and they grow the longest hair, and orangutans actually have a hairline, in contrast to virtually all primates, where the hair comes down to the top of the eyes.
- humans and orangutans share a common ancestor that excludes [living] African apes.
- a widely distributed orangutan-like ancestor of humans lived in Africa, Europe, and Asia some 13 mya.
- there are very few physical features linking chimps and humans.
However, this doesn't necessarily mean that the orangutan linage was next in line before the human lineage. What we should be expecting is some really primitive but decently upright walking evolved predecessor to Homo floresiensis who managed to reach mainland Asia from time to time.
The continuous emergences and disappearances of land bridges throughout the Pleistocene in Southeast Asia vary dependent on various sea bottom depth and changes in overall sea level.
Shifts in forest habitats across land bridges spred over generations explains continental movements by primates already long before any monkeys and apes appeared.
Evolution of bipedalism
Already some 12 Mya Danuvius guggenmosi walked on two legs and climbed like an ape in what is now Germany. It was proably not the first and it was probably followed by series of slightly evolved ones who sometimes managed to successfully hybridize, and at other times didn't but just acted as new species.
Evolution of the brain
The last model of the human brain came out of SE Asia less than 100,000 bp and made a revolution in protein and fat rich big skulled Siberia. We know it because of genetic as well as cultural evidence. And according to Svante Pääbo, something must have happened with the brain setup some 50-60,000 bp. And according to Peter Klevius, this change was brought up from SE Asia, and may be represented by one of the two Denisovan lineages already documented.
When the new brain setup reached big Homo sapiens skulls it resulted in a demographic "big bang" that spred mongoloid (cold adapted) Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS)* all over the world. As a consequence we got a racial pattern resulting from older Homo sapiens mixing with the mongoloid HSS.
* We used to distinguish between archaic Homo sapiens (HS) and ourselves, i.e. HSS. However, due to the lack of enough old HSS in sub-Saharan Africa, PC "science" blurred the line between them so to give Africa a better appearance. However, this also allowed to call a primitive fossil from Morocco 'modern'.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Why were tall men from the south dumber than tall men from the north?
Why has the tallest region in Europe (parts of Balkan) also been the poorest when the next tallest region (Northern Europe) has been the most affluent?
Answer: It's got absolutely nothing to do with tallness - and everything to do with brainpower. Oops, did Klevius say something "blasphemic"? Ok, here's Klevius' defense.Väinö Myllyrinne, Finland, 251 cm (8 ft 3 in), had the world's biggest hands - and a quite ordinary life, except for some circus trips to earn some bucks on his stature.
So what if Väinö Myllyrinne had been born into a warrior family some 5,000 ybp and equipped with a brain like, say Klevius (but way more aggressive)? Oops, Klevius did it again.
Height is genetically determined. Stunting because of malnutrition is only between 1-2 cm in a study of the Chinese famine 1959-1961. What has previously been assigned to malnutrition is in fact selection. Growth hormone irregularities are relatively rare.
There's a distinct genetic growth stop at around age 14 for a huge (?) part of the world's population, while others continue growing until the age of 16-18. Mixing of these genes give results that no one so far has studied in more detail. This is the basic reason for height variation among today's humans. Klevius strongly suggests that someone starts a research project based on this Klevius' problem formulation.
However, some continue growing also after their growth spurt. One such an example was the world's tallest healthy man (most exceptionally tall people are sick and die young) the Finnish Väinö Myllyrinta.
Väinö Myllyrinne (born 27 February 1909 in Helsinki – 13 April 1963 in Helsinki, Finland) was an acromegalic (continued growth after the growth plates have closed) giant who was at one time (1961–1963) the world's tallest living person and is the tallest non-American person of all time whose height is not disputed (do note that all Americans were physically handicapped). He stood 224 cm (7 ft 4 in) and weighed 141 kg (311 pounds) at the age of 21, but experienced a second phase of growth in his late thirties, attaining a height of 251 cm (8 ft 3 in) and weighing 376 pounds. Myllyrinne is considered the tallest soldier ever, having served in the Finnish Defence Forces. He underwent his conscript training in 1929 in the Viipuri Heavy Artillery Regiment, and was 220 cm (7 ft 3 in) tall and really strong. In the 1930s he travelled around Europe. He returned to Finland in 1939 to serve in the Finnish Army during the Winter War. In 1946, he moved to Järvenpää and ran a chicken farm. He died in 1963 after a hip surgery caused inflammation. In 1962, just a year before his death, he was measured by doctors at 2.47 m (8 ft 1.2 in). This confirms with normal shrinking over more than a decade. He had a 340 mm (13.2 in) size hand, the largest known.
Väinö Myllyrinne
Peter Klevius' (who isn't tall) analysis: Because the northerners had access to short and intelligent women to the north of themselves among the hunter-gatherer population, they also got closer to the genetic background of modern humans. So some kids became short, others average, and some tall - and some even blond. Likewise, some got average IQ while a few got the genius gene. And a few became highly intelligent giant warriors at a time when size mattered - especially in sparsely populated areas where hit and run attacks were easy and where they could gather more of the same while going southward. One may assume that these phenomena happened more frequently during bad farming times - which occurred quite often in the vulnerable climatic borderland of farming, and dwelling in dark woodlands in the extreme north added blondness and fair skin.
The tallest people seem to have followed part of haplogroup I-M170. And when it comes to aDNA there are hints that point to the same direction, e.g. some tall ancient human remains in the southern Gravettian ice-age refuges (e.g. Italy).
However, it's mainly tall people from Fennoscandia/Russia (Indoeuropeans and Uralics) who - together with shorter people - constituted the stock from which the technological expansion of the West emanated. This has also led to many misconceptions, i.e. that being tall would somehow be connected to intelligence - no matter how many short geniuses (Einstein etc.) there are. Looking back in prehistory it seems more likely that the opposite is true. However, luckily today we've already messed everything up globally to an extent that it's impossible to tell anything for certain based on physical appearance. So why not just follow James Mallory's Bhuddist advise in the context of Tocharians: Don't believe what you see!
The Vikings, Goths, the Seima-Turbino, phenomenon, Kurgan people etc. are all example of movements of mainly tall male warriors in the first stages. And all of them were closely connected to Uralic speaking cultures.
This map from Chernyc's Nomadic Cultures in the Mega-Structure of the Eurasian World (2017) emphasizes the hot spot area of metal working in the 5th millennium. However, do note the upper reaches of the darker area which points towards the most often cited Urheimat of proto-Uralic. This strange tail seems to be quite unexplainable if you don't take this into account.
The unfortunate belittling of first the steppe people and then the Uralic speakers has blindfolded many theories - and maps. Here the Corded Ware culture well overlaps later Uralic areas. Klevius assumes the people there must have spoken relaed languages at the time of Corded Ware.
According to Klevius, Corded ware horizon is a mix of Indoeuropean and Uralic with bilingual border zones. Although Iceland was populated from Fennoscandia some two millennium later, Icelandic has many characteristics in common with Finnish. This makes sense when considering the Vikings started as "Finland-Swedish" (see Origin of Vikings) explorers/raiders capable of making themselves understood from Finnish Karelia to Old Nordic Scandinavia and beyond, e.g. Shetland, Scotland, England, Ireland etc. And do note that 'land' is an old pre-Viking age Gothic word.
Haplogroup U descends from a woman in the haplogroup R mtDNA branch of the phylogenetic tree, who is estimated to have lived around 55,000 years ago. An Upper Palaeolithic human who lived in Western Siberia c. 45,000 years ago has been shown to belong to the U* mitochondrial haplogroup. Haplogroup U has also been found among ancient Egyptian mummies excavated at the Abusir el-Meleq archaeological site in Middle Egypt, which date from the Pre-Ptolemaic/late New Kingdom, Ptolemaic, and Roman periods.
Red hair distribution from a northern heartland. The Uralic speaking Udmurts have been described as the "most red-headed" people in the world and having "deep blue eyes".

Read about Kvenland and Finnland - the oldest 'land' in the world.
If, as Klevius working theory suggests, the boost in intelligence, that created the unique paleolithic Eurasian art etc. track from Mal'ta Buret to the Pyrenees, was the result of a Homo floresiensis like tropical island dwarfed brain genetically flowing up in the form of Denisovan to big skulled northern homos, then we would expect a concentration of intelligence genes in the sparsely populated north (because those going back south were diluted by the mass of people already there). Most of these moderṇ (<50 and="" are="" br="" central="" compared="" e.g.="" europeans="" fair="" haired.="" half-northern="" iberians="" most="" nbsp="" nor="" north="" northerners="" not="" of="" relatively="" short="" skinned="" stature="" still="" to="" very="" were="" ybp="">
The tallest people used to live in Australia - already some 40-60,000 ybp.
There are two main unsolved mysteries about height:
1 Where did the tall genes originate?
2 Which genes determine earlier and later growth stop?
Lake Mungo man (Australia) who lived more than 40,000 ybp is estimated to 196 cm (just a couple of centimeter shorter than Klevius childhood friend).
Mungo Man's "wife" was found 400 m away from him.
These guys from the Burrup peninsula (Western Australia), photographed in the 1920s, were 200.6 cm and 195.5 cm.
These guys photographed in the 1920s in North West Australia, were reportedly both over two meter.
However, most Aborigines are of relatively short stature, and the tall guys above were reportedly even less intelligent than other tribes the Western "conquesters" - to use a word commonly used about muslim colonizers - had met with.
Southern farmers were short and not particularly intelligent
It's a myth that - as Klevius still thought 1992 - that farming caused civilizations. It was only when the gains of farming was utilized by non-farmers that the so called "civilizations" emerged in Mideast. Long before this time there had already been advanced civilizations from Ural to Ukraine.Klevius theory on IQ and human evolution and its relation to stature - the first truly intelligent humans weren't tall.
As you dear reader already know, until proven wrong Klevius analysis of the evolution of modern humans is in its shortest form as follows:1 The early IQ track visible through the Aurignacian art/technology track from Baikal/Siberia to the Pyrenees means something extraordinary happened in the Altai region more than 50,000 ybp when the first sewing needles were already in use.
An extremely sophisticated stone bracelet was produced in Siberia/Altai more than 40,000 ybp. Both the needle above and the stone bracelet were found in the Denisova cave.
2 DNA analysis from the Denisova cave has revealed both hybridization between so called Neanderthals, Homo sapiens sapiens, and a third party, the so called Denisovan who in turn is also linked to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Melanesia.
3 Homo floresiensis proves that a bigger skull can shrink in a tropical jungle/island environment without loosing IQ. So if a similar but opposite (i.e. expanding skull while keeping up the per cm3 IQ) process was at stake among the so called Denisovans when they managed to re-enter mainland Asia during lower sea level, they would sooner or later meet with their big skulled northern relatives in the Altai area. As a resukt some of their kids would get both a big skull as well as high IQ. How many of them is up to guesswork so far but there must have been quite a few (proportionally - considering small population) of them to cause such a rapid spread of what we might call the truly modern human over the world.
However, this spread was far from even. Climatic as well as geographical factors played an important role - compare e.g. Mammoth fluctuation, migration and extinction.
When farming emerged population rapidly increased while stature and intelligence decreased (e.g. compared to the early geniuses in Altai). So when the tall Kurgan people from the Russian steppe met the southern farmers the difference in height could be up to half a meter - and some of the Kurgans also possessed superior intelligence due to their mating connections to the north. So whereas mating with average farmer girls didn't produce many geniuses, the opposite was true when it comes to girls/women from the north.
Klevius will teach you more about this scenario later on but in the meantime he suggests you read the Finnish/Karelian epic Kalevala where
Louhi is a "wicked queen" with magical power of the land known as Pohjola (the North). Louhi promises her eldest and most magnificent maiden daughter to the smith Ilmarinen if he forges a Sampo (or Sammas) which was a magical artifact constructed by Ilmarinen that brought riches and good fortune to its holder.
Klevius wrote:
Friday, March 25, 2016
Klevius' Finland-Swedish Hobbit story
The Dragon of Evil, Tolkien, and Moomin Mum
The Dragon of Evil in the Tolkien calendar by Tove Jansson
Everyone (except islamist muslims) seem to agree that islamism is evil. However, many, especially politicians and muslims, claim that islam is "a great and peaceful religion". From this we may conclude that islamism contains both islam and evil in an inseparable connection which poses the question how islam could possibly be without evil. Even more so when considering that the original spread of islam during more than hundred years (before it settled as sultanates simply sponging on slave business - the so called "golden age") was completely based on evil religiously "justified" robbery, slaughtering, raping and enslavement of the "infidels". Islam's problem is it foundation in evil medieval parasitism that it has now brought to the modern society.
The twisted logic that evil islam should be blinked as "islamism" has led to a variety of incomprehensible stand points. For example and ironically, because of muslim terrorists muslims now ask for extra protection against "anti-muslim sentiments" - on top of the general protection already in place. Why? Does this mean that non-muslim right-wing politicians also should get extra protection because of right-wing extremists? However, the worst twist of all is by far the Saudi based and steered (by the Saudi dictator family) all muslim's world organization OIC and its sharia declaration via UN.
Klevius has no knowledge about J R Tolkien's view on islam. However, Klevius is convinced that J R Tolkien would have shared Klevius definition of evil based on Human Rights equality.
J R Tolkien's main hero since he was a boy and throughout his entire life was Kullervo in the Finnish epic Kalevala. Many characteristics of Kullervo can also easily be traced in Beowulf and Hamlet both of whom were Scandinavians from a time when Fennoscandia was known as Kvenland (see further down). This period is called Vendel time after a small village near Uppsala in eastern Sweden which at that time was populated by Finns and some old Nordic speaking bi-lingual "Finland-Swedes" (see more about this further down).
Klevius is convinced that Tove Jansson would have full heartedly approved of Tolkien's choice of such an ambiguous hero as Kullervo.
The official Tolkien calendar of 2016 (left) is illustrated by Finland-Swedish Tove Jansson (aka Moomin Mum).
Tove Jansson has also illustrated Swedish and Finnish books by Tolkien (right). However, she is most famous for her Moomin books and illustrations.
Klevius wrote:
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Finland-Swedish Moomin Mum Tove Jansson 100 years
Back then Hitler (the Germans) cried for more cake - today islam (the muslims) do the same!
A brave caricature, 'more cake' was made by Tove Jansson in Finland during a time when Hitler (the Germans) were considered friend of Finland in its war against Stalin's communist Soviet-union.Here Tove Jansson with her longtime partner Tuulikki Pietilä
Tove Marika Jansson (9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was a Swedish-speaking novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author from Finland. For her contribution as a children's writer she received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1966.
Tove Jansson is best known as the author of the Moomin books for children and the astonishing The True Deceiver for adults. The first Moomin book, The Moomins and the Great Flood, appeared in 1945, i.e. the same year Astrid Lindgren, an other world famous Swedish speaking author, published her first book about the Tomboyish Pippi Longstocking.
Like Klevius, Tove Jansson belongs to the tiny bilingual Finland-Swedish minority. In fact, access to her summer house on the pic passes a nearby place where Klevius used to live, neighboring a carpenter who used to build Moomin furnitures for Moominland.
However, unlike Klevius, Tove Jansson never had kids. It's even alleged that she felt slightly uncomfortable with kids. So where Klevius has been a family man in practice, Tove Jansson created her family environment as a fiction.
For more on this topic do visit Klevius' Love Letter to Edith Södergran (an other world famous Finland-Swede).
The little bright Hobbit girl and the giant blonde warrior
The people who got the new brain set up were short in stature as most Siberian people were until recently. However, when Seima-Turbino like phenomenons started (possibly even long before Seima-Turbino) big guys who had become blond in the north hunted for cute mongolic looking girls (compare Kalevala). Some of those girls possessed still a great chunk of the original super brain (compare the Denisova cave etc) so some of the kids produced with the blond giants turned up really smart. Their smartness together with a strong physical constitution in a sparsely populated river way landscape with small villages/camps constituted an ideal environment for nomadic robbery. And after some time some of these guys had collected enough financial and man power to go further south. Klevius will in detail explain this development later. Suffice to say that this is also the explanationary basis for why the Goths from the north managed to conquer the whole of Europe.
Klevius wrote:
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Klevius Midsummer quiz: How come that Klevius can read Beowulf but modern Brits can not?!
Klevius question to BBC: Why so much focus on Muhammad and so little on Beowulf?
The epic poem Beowulf, the masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon literature, was composed in pre-Viking time by an anonymous poet. It tells the story of a Scandinavian hero whose feats include battles with the fearsome monster Grendel and a fire-breathing dragon. It survives in a single manuscript dating from around 1000 AD. In form (e.g. alliteration) and content it follows much of the Finnish Kalevala (pictured below). Not the least as how it's influenced by later Christian material.
The simple answer is that as a Finland-Swede Klevius happens to master
not only Swedish and Finnish but also old Finland-Swedish dialects - and
in an extension most old wordings based on Old Nordic (aka Old Norse)
over an area covering all the Nordic countries (incl. Gotland) plus
Netherlands, England, Scotland plus most of the north Atlantic islands east of Iceland.
In the 1990s when Klevius studied English at Stockholm University they
offered a video recording of a play based on thousand year old English
texts. To Klevius astonishment he immediately recognized many
familiarities with the East-Nyland dialects Klevius had grown up with.
So when two Norwegian linguists a couple of years ago stated that
English is a Scandinavian language Klevius applauded them.
So what does this have to do with Midsummer? Well, it's not just
linguistics but a load of other familiarities as well, not to mention
the fire feasts which may even be traced back to the Celts. And remember
that much/most pre-Christian cultural influences are shared within all
the Nordic countries.
For a background take a look at Kvenland:
Peter Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
A brief history and pre-history of Kvenland - and the origin of the Vikings
Doggerlandians - the proto-Finnish/Uralic speaking true natives of Doggerland and Britain
By 'Uralic' it's here, of course, meant the branch of the linguistic tree that at its stem in time goes deeper than any language family based on agriculture (and quite possibly the deepest of modern humans), and geographically comprises an area (north and mid-Eurasia) that is bigger than any other. The technical term 'proto-Uralic' doesn't mean that the lineage abruptly started there but deepens into what might be called Altaic/Eurasiatic.
Although the modern Finnish vocabulary may be one which contains among the highest amount of loan-words, it also contains a remarkable old kernel (some 200-300 words) that is not only immensely old but also often reflects more exactly reconstructed "original" words in a way its sister languages do not. This may be due to, among other factors, its westernmost location (see Kvenland - the origin of the Goths).
Finland-Swedes from Kvenland to Kaukalanda*
* 'Kauka-' is an old Finnish word stem meaning 'far away' and 'land' comes from Old Nordic/Gothic. To understand this connection continue reading.Finland started as Finnland but later became Kvenland (before the Viking age - see below) and then Finland as part of the Swedish kingdom until it became an autonomous part of the Russian empire, and finally an independent nation 99 years ago.
The Goths
Acknowledgement: It's extremely problematic and even embarrassing for Klevius as a Finland-Swede, and as a person who brags about self-criticism being his main scientific tool, to end up with his own ethnicity as having been a major global player in the past. However, there are some mitigating excuses. So for example, what made some Finland-Swedes to become Goths and Vikings etc. were not necessarily the most sought after human characteristics. Moreover, those Finland-Swedes who didn't participate became today's tiny and on the verge of extinction Finland-Swedish community, linguistically bullied by the Finns (language) as well as the Swedes (accent/dialects).
Btw, dear reader, why don't you dare to comment, ask questions etc? Isn't the topic interesting and challenging enough, or is it because you're a coward and don't want to be known as reading something critical of islam, the worst ideological crime ever against humanity?
The oldest runic inscription found is some 600 years before the Viking age - and it is Finnish (or more probably Finnish-Old Nordic, i.e. what Klevius terms Finland-Swedish)
This is the oldest runic (Futark) inscription found. It says HARJA which is exactly the same as 'harja', meaning comb or , brush or ridge, in modern Finnish. The word is etymologically very old and had this Finnish form when the comb was made, i.e. it cannot be confused with some non-Finnish interpretation. Moreover, the word is found in all sister languages. The possibly related Baltic (or other) words do not resemble it at all neither now nor back then. The comb was found in Denmark and is dated to 160 CE (same time as the birth of Fornjotr, king of Kvenland and Gotland). However, also keep in mind that the combs owner also spole old Nordic.
Warning! There are many confused "scientists" out there emotionally trying to dismiss the Nordic origin of the Goths. I even stumbled on one who thought that different spellings would mean different groups. Spellings etc don't matter here. Just like 'Vikings' the 'Goths' is more of a concept than a specific ethnicity - just like 'muslims', except for the fact that muslim evilness is still kept alive under the cover of 'religion'.
The name 'Goth' (in its many variants) reflects the fact that it's not only thoroughly anchored in a Finnish-Old Nordic geographical/linguistic area and context but also that Gothic is linguistically puzzling if you don't see it as an Uralic colored form of Old Nordic. Moreover, genetics is still in its cradle and hence an extremely fragile tool. Only very crude main chronologies can so far be established and even shallow dives result in progressive guesswork at best, no matter how fancy math and graphs are produced. Klevius will explain more on this exciting topic later. However, so far nothing in genetics seems to disprove Klevius' analysis.
To understand the confusing picture about Finnish-Old Nordic relations that seems to emerge, one has to consider the relation between Indoeuropean and Uralic/Finnish languages. Both groups stem from geographically overlapping areas. However, whereas the former was more sedentary and farming oriented the latter was older and more rooted in a hunter-gatherer context.
As we all know agricultural societies usually gained more wealth and population than nomads etc. So when they moved north the Germanic tribes tended to follow a path more favorable for farming (Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden). This is how the linguistic map evolved in northern Europe, divided between the Finnish/Uralic related and Germanic/Indoeuropean tribes.
The Langobards - an example of how a tiny amount of Finland-Swedes (Kvens) conquered Europa
The Lombards or Langobards (Germanic word meaning the 'long-bearded' or the 'long-boarded') Latin: Langobardī, Italian Longobardi), were a north Germanic (Gothic?) tribe traceable to Gotland (Scadanan) who ruled Italy from 568 to 774.
Paul the Deacon wrote in the Historia Langobardorum that the Lombards descended from a small tribe called the Winnili (or Vinnili or Finnili) who dwelt in southern Scandinavia (Scadanan, i.e. Gotland) before migrating to seek new lands. In the 1st century AD they formed part of the Suebi*, in northwestern Germany. By the end of the 5th century they had moved into the area roughly coinciding with modern Austria north of the Danube river, where they subdued the Heruls and later fought frequent wars with the Gepids. The Lombard king Audoin defeated the Gepid leader Thurisind in 551 or 552; his successor Alboin eventually destroyed the Gepids at the Battle of Asfeld in 567.
* From Proto-Germanic *swēbaz, either based on the Proto-Germanic root *swē- meaning "one's own" people, or on the third-person reflexive pronoun; or from an earlier Indo-European root *swe-. The etymological sources list the following ethnic names as also from the same root: Suiones, Semnones, Samnites, Sabelli, Sabini, indicating the possibility of a prior Indo-European ethnic name, "our own people". Ultimately the word may also be related to 'sib' with similar meaning.
Following this victory, Alboin decided to lead his people to Italy, which had become severely depopulated after the long Gothic War (535–554) between the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogothic Kingdom there. The Lombards were joined by numerous Saxons, Heruls, Gepids, Bulgars, Thuringians, and Ostrogoths, and their invasion of Italy was almost unopposed. By late 569 they had conquered all the principal cities north of the Po River except Pavia, which fell in 572. At the same time, they occupied areas in central and southern Italy. They established a Lombard Kingdom in Italy, later named Regnum Italicum ("Kingdom of Italy"), which reached its zenith under the 8th-century ruler Liutprand. In 774, the Kingdom was conquered by the Frankish King Charlemagne and integrated into his Empire.
From Altai to Gotland, Sami, God, Vikings, Shakespeare and Tolkien
Klevius etymology and history remarks relating to the Britain-Scandinavia connection: The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims.
Gotland in particular is famous as the probable ancestral home of the Goths: "a Gothic population had crossed the Baltic Sea before the 2nd century AD, reaching Scythia at the coast of the Black Sea in modern Ukraine where Goths left their archaeological traces in the Chernyakhov culture. In the 5th and 6th centuries, they became divided as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, and established powerful successor-states of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula and Italy. Crimean Gothic communities appear to have survived intact in Crimea until the late 18th century.
The father of Shakespeare's prototype for Hamlet was a Goth from the Gothenburg area in Sweden (were Klevius father also happened to be born). These Goths came originally from Gotland via those very same waterways that were shaped already some 9,000 years ago, hence connecting the Baltic Sea with Doggerland/North Sea.
Gotland was also the home port and treasure island for the Vikings because it naturally connected West and East via Staraja Ladoga southeast of Finland on the river way down to the south. Gotland has revealed the biggest hoards of Viking age old Arab/islamic silver coins in Northern Europe.
Immediately north of Staraja Ladoga is the homeland of the Finnish national epic Kalevala which Tolkien based his writing on.
The world's oldest fishing net is found in southeastern Finland and is some thousand years older than Cheddar man the "oldest Brit".
Bromme culture existed in what is today's Sweden already 11,700–11,000 bp.
As a curiosity it might be noted that film director Ingmar Bergman lived most of his life on Gotland where some of his most powerful movies were filmed.
In conclusion one might well argue that the Baltic Sea has been a main hub since the birth of modern humans.
The first version at the top made 1583 and below how it looks today.
The sword held over the lion's head represents the West whereas the one below the lion represents islam (via Khazars, Bolgars, Ottomans etc. - see text below).
Finland/Kvenland - the home of Kalevala and the Vikings
Precisely because the farming old Swedes were more numerous and wealthier than the Finnish speaking nomads, the original Finland-Swedish Vikings became "Swedisized". As a consequence the later Viking age looked more "Swedish". The oxymoron "Norwegian Vikings", however, has no place at all in history because neither Norwegian language nor Norwegians existed at that time.
Unlike muslims who only copied/stole (incl. "converts") what others had made possible, the Vikings really contributed something new.
Finland has two official languages, Swedish and Finnish. Finland is also one of the most secularized countries in the world. Finland (and huge parts of what is now Sweden and Norway) was Kvenland before the Christian crusades after which it became connected as part of Sweden for some 600 years until the 1808-9 war against Russia after which Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until Finland's independence 6, December 1917.
After the 1808-9 war the Swedish speaking intellectuals started a campaign, "we are no Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians - so let's be Finns". This strive made many a Finland-Swede translate their name into Finnish. It also resulted in the collection of the Kalevala epos (which Tolkien used as a basis for his stories). However, Elias Lönnroth's Kalevala was heavily influenced by a monotheist understanding. Luckily Juha Pentikäinen and others have now initiated a rewriting of the text clean from Christian monotheist influences.
Due to its location Finnish (and Saami) possesses extremely old words still in use (see below). And due to the interaction between old Nordic and Finnish a pattern emerged that can still be seen stretching from Finland all the way to Iceland (see below).
No one knows the true origin of the name Kvenland. However, Klevius qualified guess is based on its history of Nordic (and Finnish) speaking (agrarian) coastal Finns robbing beautiful girls with mongoloid characteristics (which pattern you can also trace in reading Kalevala) from its Saami and Finnish speaking neighbors. Raids with light boats was a Finnish specialty inherited from the Finnish and Russian water ways they still frequented (see Origin of Vikings). And when they heard (from the Volga Bolgars and the Jewish Khazars etc) about the enormous demand and price the muslim caliphate paid for these kind of girls the commerce quickly changed from furs to walking girls.
Due to the mix of old Nordic speaking males and Finnish speaking women an early bilingual traditon was born, which helped dealing with both Swedes and Finnish speaking "Russians". At the beginning of the Viking age the "Russians" spoke Finnish which was the main language in what is now northern and mid Russia. This also explains how Fornjotur could be the King of both Finland and Gotland as well as how Rus could become so friendly with the pre-Russians that they asked him for protection against other Vikings, Jews (Khazars) etc.
Finland has for long suffered from what Klevius calls a mongoloid complex (2003). In 1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.
Klevius' ethnicity
The tiny (some 300,000) Finland-Swedish ethnic minority has, apart from the tiresome, bragging and annoying islamophobe named Klevius, produced such names as Edith Södergran (modernist poet), Westermarck (anthropology), Jean Sibelius (music), Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor), Lasse Wiren (athletics - double-double Olympic winner on 5,000m and 10,000m), Lindberg (music - Kraft etc), Linus Thorvald (Linux), etc etc.
This list clearly implies a Finland-Swedish complex or something (see Inside Klevius mind).
Why surprised about the fact that English is a Nordic language? Klevius has informed about it for almost a decade on the web!
* When Klevius shakes hand with native English speakers he loves to point out that 'finger', 'hand', and 'arm' all are Swedish words with exactly the same spelling and not too different pronunciation. This usually produces a nice "really". However, when he also points out that most of the non-Latin words in English also are Swedish a brief uncertain and incredulous retreat from the topic is noticeable. And, now finally the self-evident fact that even grammar is equal has been pointed out even by others.
English is a Scandinavian/Nordic (Fennoscandian*) language
* No one knows for how long Old Swedish/Nordic language(s) has been spoken in Finland. This is why not only the Scandinavian part but the whole Fennoscandian peninsula ought to be included.
Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of linguistics at the University of Oslo. "Obviously there are many English words that resemble ours. But there is something more: its fundamental structure is strikingly similar to Norwegian.
Klevius (who understands all Nordic languages incl. Finnish and most dialects): Norwegian language emerged after the Viking period (see Origin of Vikings). Its predecessor, i.e. what is called "Old Norse" but perhaps rather should be called Old Swedish or Old Nordic, is rooted in Kvenland from the cross pollination of Finnish and Nordic Germanic. Kvenish today is still very close to Finnish (more so than e.g. Estonian) yet it also contains such pecularities as meiðän ('our') which is simply meidän in Standard Finnish with a normally sounding d instead of the English sounding ð.
Kvenland (Womanland) from Finno-Ugric/Uralic to Old Swedish/Scandinavian/Nordic*
*aka "Old Norse" which might lead associations to Norway although there were no Norwegian speakers around long after the Viking age (see Origin of Vikings).
Kvenland, aka Cwenland, Kænland, Queenland, Kvinnoland, Womanland etc, is an ancient name for an area in Fennoscandia. Compare Swedish 'Kvinna' (woman) and English 'Queen' as well as Norwegian 'kone' (woman) Swedish 'kön' (sex) and English 'kin' (yes, we have Indoeuropean 'gen' but so what, where did 'gen' emerge?).
There exists a persistent "wikimyth" that Finnish language in Sweden and Norway are just a few hundred years old when in fact it's thousands of years old but due to national romanticism was explained away as caused by late immigration only.
As I already said, no one knows for sure why it was called Kvenland. However, a strong hypothesis is that the name reflects sex-slave hunt for beautiful white girls/women who were most valued on the muslim slave markets by the islamic mosques. So the Finnish empire may have existed long before it was called Kvenland.The name was just applied from the outside as a marker of its notorious records.
Kvenland appears in written sourdes from the 9th century, and from Icelandic sources written in the 12th and 13th centuries. Since the 17th century most historians have located Kvenland somewhere around or near the Bothnian Bay, in the present-day regions of Swedish Norrbotten and Finnish Ostrobothnia as well as part of Norway where there are still a Kvenish population. The traditional East Finnish name of this area was Kainuu, and it has been suggested that the Scandinavian name of Kvenland and Kainuu share etymological roots.
Around 890 CE a Northman named Ohthere visited King Alfred of Wessex who had his stories written down by Orosius.
According to Ohthere, the Norðmanna land was very long and very narrow ... and to the east are wild mountains, parallel to the cultivated land. Finnas inhabit these mountains ... Then along this land southwards, on the other side of the mountain, is Sweden ... and along that land northwards, Kvenland (Cwenaland). The Kvens (Cwenas) sometimes make depredations on the Northmen over the mountain, and sometimes the Northmen on them.
There are large [freshwater] meres amongst the mountains,[2] and the Kvens carry their ships over land into the meres, and thence make depredations on the Northmen; they have small and very light ships.
Fornjotur* (ca 160-250 CE), the Finnish King of Kvenland and Gotland, and ancestor of the Swedish Ynglinga tree and William I of England
* there is much reason to believe that the legend about Fornjotur has more truth underneath than for example the myth about Mohammed (who was allegedly born 400 years later). Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."Fornjotur, Fornjót, Fornjótr) was a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).
The name has often been interpreted as forn-jótr "ancient giant", and sometimes identified with the primeval giant Ymir. But it is also possible, as was suggested by Müller (1818), that it is one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr "user, owner, possessor", which would make Fornjótr the "original owner".
How did primary stress on first syllable come from Kvenland to Iceland?
There was of course another language, Kvenish-Finnish, that was present in Fennoscandia and somehow influenced the ancient Norse language.
Finnish possesses some of the oldest words in the world, some of them still in their original Uralic form. In fact, the old Finnish stem seems to be closer to its distant roots than other Finno-Ugric languages despite the fact that Finland has been the most modernized of them all.
Klevius linguistic question: How was the strange affinity between Indoeuropean Icelandic and Uralic Finnish created between Kvenland and Iceland?
Whereas Indoeuropean languages are strongly rooted in a Neolithic agricultural past Uralic languages are rooted in hunting/gathering societies i.e. pre-Neolithic.
Indoeuropean Old Norse developed into "Western" and "Eastern" variants. Western Norse covered Norway and overseas settlements in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Shetland Islands, while Eastern Norse developed in Denmark and south-central Sweden and coastal Finland.
The language of Iceland and the non Finnish or Saami Fennoscandia was practically the same up until the 14th century, when they started to deviate from each other.
During the late Old Norse period and this period there was also a considerable adoption of Middle Low German vocabulary. Similar development in grammar and phonology happened in Swedish and Danish, keeping the dialect continuum in continental Scandinavia intact, but with greater dialectal variation. This process did not, however, occur in the same way in Faroese and Icelandic. These languages remain conservative to this day, when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, so mutual intelligibility with continental Scandinavia was lost.
The Uralic languages belong to a single Eurasian belt of agglutinative languages together with the Altaic languages streching from Fennoscandia in the west to Japan in the east
Not only typological parallelism, but also stress on the first syllable as well as lack of third person pronoun sex segregation (e.g. Finnish 'hän' instead of 'he/she' apartheid) is accompanied by areal adjacency, allowing us to speak of a distinct Ural-Altaic language area and language type we may call Eurasiatic.
Some roots for Eurasiatic: mi (what?, mi/kä or mi/tä in modern Finnish), pälä (two), akʷā (water), tik (one or finger), konV (arm 1), bhāghu(s) (arm 2), bük(ä) (bend or knee), punče (hair), p'ut'V (vagina or vulva), snā (smell or nose), kamu (seize or squeeze), and parV (the verb to fly)
Modern Finnish preserves old words equal or almost equal more often than other languages
Random examples of reconstructed Proto-Uralic words:
Body parts and bodily functions: *ïpti hair on the head, *ojwa head, *śilmä eye (same as in modern Finnish), *poski cheek (same as in modern Finnish), *kä(x)li tongue ('kieli' in modern Finnish), *elä- to live ('elää' in modern Finnish), *ka(x)li- to die ('kuolla', and 'kuoli' in imperf), *wajŋi breath (in Finnish 'vainaja' means a dead), *kosi cough, *kunśi urine ('kusi' in modern Finnish), *küńili tear ('kyynele' in modern Finnish), *se(x)ji pus.
Kinship terms: *emä mother (same in modern Finnish), *čečä uncle ('setä' in modern Finnish), *koska aunt, *mińä daughter-in-law ('miniä' in modern Finnish), *wäŋiw son-in-law ('vävy' in modern Finnish).
Verbs for universally known actions: *meni- to go ('mennä', 'meni' in imperf in modern Finnish), *toli- to come ('tulla', 'tuli' in imperf in modern Finnish), *aśkili- to step ('askel' is step in modern Finnish), *imi- to suck ('imi' is sucked in modern Finnish), *soski- to chew, *pala- to eat up ('pala' is a piece in modern Finnish), *uji- to swim ('ui' is swim in imperf in modern Finnish), *sala- to steal ('salata' means to hide in modern Finnish), *kupsa- to extinguish ('kupsata' used for to die in modern Finnish).
Basic objects and concepts of the natural world: *juka river ('joki' in modern Finnish), *toxi lake, *weti water ('vesi/vettä' in modern Finnish), *päjwä sun (same but also day in modern Finnish), warmth, *suŋi summer ('suvi' in modern Finnish), *śala- lightning ('salama' in modern Finnish), *wanča root ('vanka', 'vankka' means steady in modern Finnish), *ko(x)ji birch, *ka(x)si spruce ('kuusi' in modern Finnish), *sïksi Siberian pine, *δ'ï(x)mi bird cherry
Elementary technology: *tuli fire (same in modern Finnish), *śüδi coal, *äjmä needle, *pura drill ('pora' in modern Finnish), *jïŋsi bow ('jousi' in modern Finnish), *jänti bow string, *ńï(x)li arrow ('nuoli' in modern Finnish), *δ'ümä glue ('liima' in modern Finnish), *lïpśi cradle, *piksi rope, *suksi ski (same in modern Finnish), *woča fence.
Basic spatial concepts: *ïla below ('alla' in modern Finnish), *üli above ('yli' in modern Finnish), *wasa left ('vasen' in modern Finnish), *pälä side.
Pronouns: *mun I (meaning mine in modern Finnish), *tun you ('sun' meaning yours in modern Finnish), *ke- who (same in modern Finnish), *mi- what (same in modern Finnish).
The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic culture (bow, arrow, needle, sinew, but also rope, fence, cradle, ski), a north Eurasian landscape (spruce, birch, Siberian pine), and contains interesting hints on kinship structure.
The Vikings were bilingual (Finland-Swedes) Goths who could communicate both with the Finnish tribes as well as with the old Nordic/German people
In the Viking world the Jewish slave empire (Chazaria) played an important role in establishing the slave raid and trade system that served the enormous islamic hunger for white sex slaves.
Karelia's old coat of arms.
Karelia bordered the medieval Novgorod republic which was ransacked by muslim Bolgars who hunted for slaves. The southern part became an important hub in the islamic slave finance as Vikings and Kazar Jews etc served the islaic caliphate in the south and later on the Ottoman Turks.
Fair skinned female sex slaves from northern Europe were the by far most valuable according to islamic price lists
(see more about this here)Most of what you read about Vikings on the web is wrong. The Viking age started already before 750 in the east (because of islamic demand for sex slaves). So forget about Britain 786. Also remember that if you see the words Norway or Norwegians mentioned re. Vikings then throw the link/book away. There was no Norway or Norwegians or a Norwegian language during the Viking age! Educate yourself on Origin of the Vikings.
In 882, Rurik's successor, Oleg of Novgorod, conquered Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus.
After the Kievan Russian state began to disintegrate in 1132, slaves became much more numerous as inhabitants of neighboring East Slavic principalities (much of the territory between Poland-Lithuania and the Volga River) became fair game for enslavement.
Jewish merchants took East Slavic slaves from Novgorod to western destinations. Other East Slavic slaves were continuously "harvested" by the Turkic peoples (Tatars) inhabiting the southern and eastern frontiers of Rus' and subsequently sold to buyers mainly in the Arab countries.
The Mongol invasions into Rus' from 1236-1240 accelerated the disintegration of Kievan Rus' that had commenced in 1132.
Continuous Tatar slave raids replaced those of the pre-1240 Turkic peoples who had roamed the Ukranian steppe. In these centuries the word "slave" was borrowed from the ethnonym "Slav."
During the ensuing period of the "Tatar yoke" (1237-1480), the export of slaves through Novgorod continued and the Novgorodian slave market at the intersection of Slave and High Streets was the most active business locale in the entire Republic of Novgorod, which encompassed much of Russia north of the Volga to the White Sea.
The Crimean Tatars had converted to islam in the 1300s and in 1475 the Crimean Khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire while itself still clinging to power over the Duchy of Muscovy. In 1480, the Muscovites threw off the "Tatar Yoke" and began the unification of Russia under Slavic rulers. By 1503, those rulers would declare Russia the Third Roman Empire, and take the title of Tsar.
The Crimean Tatars made use of their strategic position between the Ottomans and the Russians and supplied slaves for the Ottoman Janissary corps from the neighboring peoples to an enormous extent yet to be fully mapped.
Greedy rulers either married a muslim and naively agreed* to convert or just found islam the perfect sword for evil but profitable slave finance
* Islam is an evil dead end. A totalitarian harpoon that has only one direction unless it's stopped. This is one of the many reasons why islam is completely out of sync with Human Rights - a fact that not only Klevius but also OIC has realized!
Little is known about the timeline of the islamization of Inner Asia and the Turkic peoples who lay beyond the bounds of the caliphate. Around 7th century and 8th century, there were some states of Turkic peoples like Turkic Khazar Khaganate and Turkic Turgesh Khaganete who fought against the caliphate in order to stop Arabization and islamization in Asia. From the 9th century onwards, the Turks (at least individually, if not yet through adoption by their states) began to convert to islam. The Bulgars of the Volga, to whom the modern Volga Tatars trace their islamic roots, are noted to have adopted islamic evil early on. When the Friar William of Rubruck visited the encampment of Batu Khan of the Golden Horde, who had recently completed the Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria, he noted "I wonder what devil carried the law of Machomet there".
From Ural to the Baltic Sea and Britain
(to really grasp the significance of this ancient water route please take a look at the islamic Origin of Vikings and Russia)
Klevius intellectual bias warning: There has been a severe "mongoloid complex" (social, not genetic) going on for long in the debate about the original Europeans, not the least among the Samis and the Finns (see what Klevius wrote about the mongoloid complex almost a decade ago). The Finns were introduced to "civilization" via Klevius ethnic people, the Finland-Swedish "colonizers", who, after Sweden's loss of Finland in the 1808-09 war, said "We aren't Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians, so let's be Finns". So they learned Finnish, many of them translated their Swedish names into Finnish ones, and one of them gathered the ancient Finnish epic Kalevala, all in an effort to strengthen the Finnish ethnicity.
Klevius brief intellectual aid to the background of the topic: Finnish and Sami researchers are possibly the least reliable (together with Afro-centrists) when it comes to the "Urheima" of the Europeans. So you will have a hard time finding info if you don't read Klevius. But keep two basic facts in mind: Proto-Uralic was here before the farmers - proto-Indo-European (PIE) was not, simply because it was tied to farming/pastoralism. And ultimately, no matter if we call it proto-Altaic or something else, what seems certain is that modern humans and their language developed in the very midst of the mongoloid hunting-gathering area (where the >41,000 BP Denisova bracelet below was found), not among farmers.
After the last ice age Doggerland still connected Uralic speaking Sweden (and the Baltic Sea) with Britain a couple of thousands of years before the arrival of farming. The oldest complete skeleton of a Brit (the Cheddar man in Gough's Cave, outside Baath near Bristol) is from this time.
Ago Künnap: From the Ukrainian refuge the people spread over the area that eventually extended from the so-called North Sea Land on the site of the present-day British Isles as far as the Urals. It should be regarded as probable that the Uralic lingua franca was functioning in the area also before the Last Glacial Maximum, consequently before the people gathered in the refuges. It continued functioning in the Ukrainian refuge and, in addition to this, also in the ice-free area, creating a foundation by making languages into the present-day Uralic languages. As a result of people’s spreading out from the larger refuges the whole northward Europe was shared by the Basque and Uralic type of languages.
Klevius: Today's Basques/Iberians have almost nothing to do with Europe's original hunter-gatherers. Samis do. Geneticists have long since proved that ice-age humans entered Europe from Siberia (haplogroup M173 aka R), not Mideast. Linguists have proved that they spoke a language related to Uralic. Many linguists have for long connected East and West-Eurasia in the proto-Altaic language complex at the very spot where geneticists see the splitting point that gave the birth to the truly modern humans and real Aurignacian culture. Common sense does the rest by considering the map, geography, food sources and the mix of cold-adapted northern-most Neanderthals and Denisovans.
The mongoloid features of Sami people may be explained as follows (also consider evolution map below): The first Europeans were a mix of Mongoloid and Cro-Magnon traits due to the blend of Denisova and northern Neanderthal traits with southern Homos. However, while spreading southward, what we now call the Caucasoid traits (Klevius "bastard belt") increased while the Mongoloid traits got stronger in the north due to pressure from the east.
Cheddar man certainly didn't speak Indoeuropean
Cheddar man was found near Bristol in England. His Finnish/Sami type of DNA closely matches contemporary Brits near the location where the skeleton was found. And the amber found beside him came from the Baltic Sea.
Cheddar man stature is estimated to 166 cm and he has a relatively high (compared to modern Sami but not to modern Finns) crural index and tibial length/trunk height indices but a total morphological pattern considered cold-adapted. This mix is in line with Klevius Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids theory, which states that human like Homos what we used to think of as our predecessors were, in fact, big brained but dumb non-humans, and that the smart ones were small ape-like creatures (Floresiensis, Red Deer Cave people, Denisovans etc) who in Euraisa mixed with Neanderthals and later on with the southern Homos from whom we didn't get our intelligence but only part of our physical appearance (in fact, we started loosing intelligence and are now on a much lower level than some 30,000 years ago - just compare the stunning performance of Aurignacian art below). So for example, what has "puzzled" fossilized academics the most about the tiny ape-like Floresiensis with a brain size barely exceeding that of a Chimp, is how to explain its tools, use of fire etc.
Compared to many presumptuous and subjective PC academics Klevius' theory has a much better fit to existing evidence out there.
Doggerland and a harpoon found in it. Altough the historical Goths emerge some 7,000 years later it's worth mentioning that Gotland in the Baltic Sea was already populated more than 9,500 years ago. Moreover, although no one knows the true origin of the name Gotland and Goth confusing efforts have been made to connect the origin of the name to different and less likely later forms such as e.g. 'gut' and 'jut'. Due to an enormous general ignorance there thrives a bias that could be described as a majority complex which blurs topics of evolution and linguistics etc. by covering them under the "Out of Africa" or the "Indo-European" or the "monotheist" blanket. This type of prejudice is easily seen when you, for example, tell an English speaker that the word 'boy' comes from the Finnish/Uralic 'poika'. In fact, if we really start digging we will soon realize that most of the really old Indo-European words can be traced to the original Uralic speaking inhabitants of Europe. Btw, on Gotland 'peika' mens a girl and became maid ('piga') in Swedish. Just like the English word for child that transformed into 'girl'.
Cheddar man has been genetically tested as belonging to haplogroup U5a which happens to be most common today in northern Finland and Scandinavia among Sami people and, to a lesser extent, among Finns. Haplogroup U5 is spread all over Europe but is by far best presented among Finnish speaking populations in the north. That U5 is also found in North-Africa is in line with the mixing theory below. U5a is a latecomer and hence fits a pattern of increasing blend of genes along the Atlantic coastline. U5b is also toprated among Samis as is V.
Linguistic relation
At this time all hunter-gatherers in mid/northern (and possibly sourhern) Europe talked an Uralic language. Uralic languages preceeded Indo-European and Finno-Ugric languages and, according to linguistics, is today best survived in the Finnish* language. It is important here to realize that proto-Sami people populated all of the fringes of glacial and post-glacial Europe and that Basque language most probably was Sami related although heavily distorted by incoming linguistically non-related farmers, whereas the northern Sami became influenced by related Finnish speakers, hence explaining why today's Sami sounds so Finnish and Basque doesn't sound Finnish at all although it has many features in common with Uralic/Finnish languages.
* As Klevius has pointed out for decades, in Finnish (as in most other languages) there is no sex segregation. A person is 'hän' regardless of sex, not the stupid he/she apartheid Europe has inherited from sexist Mideastern "monotheisms".
To PC-people and others with a racist agenda blurring the facts: Non-African art from 41,000 - 25,000 years ago - i.e. long before anything like this emerged in Mideast or Africa! And one thing is for certain, they weren't neolithic farmers!
This extremely complicated to manufacture stone bracelet was made by the non-human Denisovan (or whatever we should call the hybrid that paved the way for modern humans - the process may have taken a long time at and around Altai) in Siberia 40,000 years ago by utilizing a drilling technology, comparable to modern machines, according to the researchers who found it.

Brassempouy "Venus" approx 26,000 BP

and with some make up by Klevius
From the left: Red Deer Cave, Sami, Cro-Magnon
First and third from the left are Red Deer Cave people 14,300-11,500 years ago. Second and fourth the so called Venus from Brassempuoy in France 25-26,000 years ago. The last pic is a reconstruction of a 1.9 Million year old Homo rudolfiensis skull. They all had flat broad cheeks, no chin and rounded forehead.
From Altai to Gotland, Sami, God, Vikings, Shakespeare and Tolkien
Klevius etymology and history remarks relating to the Britain-Scandinavia connection: The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims.
Gotland in particular is famous as the probable ancestral home of the Goths: "a Gothic population had crossed the Baltic Sea before the 2nd century AD, reaching Scythia at the coast of the Black Sea in modern Ukraine where Goths left their archaeological traces in the Chernyakhov culture. In the 5th and 6th centuries, they became divided as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, and established powerful successor-states of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula and Italy. Crimean Gothic communities appear to have survived intact in Crimea until the late 18th century.
The father of Shakespeare's prototype for Hamlet was a Goth from the Gothenburg area in Sweden (were Klevius father also happened to be born). These Goths came originally from Gotland via those very same waterways that were shaped already some 9,000 years ago, hence connecting the Baltic Sea with Doggerland/North Sea.
Gotland was also the home port and treasure island for the Vikings because it naturally connected West and East via Staraja Ladoga southeast of Finland on the river way down to the south. Gotland has revealed the biggest hoards of Viking age old Arab/islamic silver coins in Northern Europe.
Immediately north of Staraja Ladoga is the homeland of the Finnish national epic Kalevala which Tolkien based his writing on.
The world's oldest fishing net is found in southeastern Finland and is some thousand years older than Cheddar man the "oldest Brit".
Bromme culture existed in what is today's Sweden already 11,700–11,000 bp.
As a curiosity it might be noted that film director Ingmar Bergman lived most of his life on Gotland where some of his most powerful movies were filmed.
In conclusion one might well argue that the Baltic Sea has been a main hub since the birth of modern humans.
The first version at the top made 1583 and below how it looks today.
The sword held over the lion's head represents the West whereas the one below the lion represents islam (via Khazars, Bolgars, Ottomans etc. - see text below).
Finland/Kvenland - the home of Kalevala and the Vikings
Finland has two official languages, Swedish and Finnish. Finland is also one of the most secularized countries in the world. Finland (and huge parts of what is now Sweden and Norway) was Kvenland before the Christian crusades after which it became connected as part of Sweden for some 600 years until the 1808-9 war against Russia after which Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until Finland's independence 6, December 1917.
After the 1808-9 war the Swedish speaking intellectuals started a campaign, "we are no Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians - so let's be Finns". This strive made many a Finland-Swede translate their name into Finnish. It also resulted in the collection of the Kalevala epos (which Tolkien used as a basis for his stories). However, Elias Lönnroth's Kalevala was heavily influenced by a monotheist understanding. Luckily Juha Pentikäinen and others have now initiated a rewriting of the text clean from Christian monotheist influences.
Due to its location Finnish (and Saami) possesses extremely old words still in use (see below). And due to the interaction between old Nordic and Finnish a pattern emerged that can still be seen stretching from Finland all the way to Iceland (see below).
No one knows the true origin of the name Kvenland. However, Klevius qualified guess is based on its history of Nordic (and Finnish) speaking (agrarian) coastal Finns robbing beautiful girls with mongoloid characteristics (which pattern you can also trace in reading Kalevala) from its Saami and Finnish speaking neighbors. Raids with light boats was a Finnish specialty inherited from the Finnish and Russian water ways they still frequented (see Origin of Vikings). And when they heard (from the Volga Bolgars and the Jewish Khazars etc) about the enormous demand and price the muslim caliphate paid for these kind of girls the commerce quickly changed from furs to walking girls.
Due to the mix of old Nordic speaking males and Finnish speaking women an early bilingual traditon was born, which helped dealing with both Swedes and Finnish speaking "Russians". At the beginning of the Viking age the "Russians" spoke Finnish which was the main language in what is now northern and mid Russia. This also explains how Fornjotur could be the King of both Finland and Gotland as well as how Rus could become so friendly with the pre-Russians that they asked him for protection against other Vikings, Jews (Khazars) etc.
Finland has for long suffered from what Klevius calls a mongoloid complex (2003). In 1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.
Klevius' ethnicity
The tiny (some 300,000) Finland-Swedish ethnic minority has, apart from the tiresome, bragging and annoying islamophobe named Klevius, produced such names as Edith Södergran (modernist poet), Westermarck (anthropology), Jean Sibelius (music), Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor), Lasse Wiren (athletics - double-double Olympic winner on 5,000m and 10,000m), Lindberg (music - Kraft etc), Linus Thorvald (Linux), etc etc.
This list clearly implies a Finland-Swedish complex or something (see Inside Klevius mind).
Why surprised about the fact that English is a Nordic language? Klevius has informed about it for almost a decade on the web!
* When Klevius shakes hand with native English speakers he loves to point out that 'finger', 'hand', and 'arm' all are Swedish words with exactly the same spelling and not too different pronunciation. This usually produces a nice "really". However, when he also points out that most of the non-Latin words in English also are Swedish a brief uncertain and incredulous retreat from the topic is noticeable. And, now finally the self-evident fact that even grammar is equal has been pointed out even by others.
English is a Scandinavian/Nordic (Fennoscandian*) language
* No one knows for how long Old Swedish/Nordic language(s) has been spoken in Finland. This is why not only the Scandinavian part but the whole Fennoscandian peninsula ought to be included.
Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of linguistics at the University of Oslo. "Obviously there are many English words that resemble ours. But there is something more: its fundamental structure is strikingly similar to Norwegian.
Klevius (who understands all Nordic languages incl. Finnish and most dialects): Norwegian language emerged after the Viking period (see Origin of Vikings). Its predecessor, i.e. what is called "Old Norse" but perhaps rather should be called Old Swedish or Old Nordic, is rooted in Kvenland from the cross pollination of Finnish and Nordic Germanic. Kvenish today is still very close to Finnish (more so than e.g. Estonian) yet it also contains such pecularities as meiðän ('our') which is simply meidän in Standard Finnish with a normally sounding d instead of the English sounding ð.
Kvenland (Womanland) from Finno-Ugric/Uralic to Old Swedish/Scandinavian/Nordic*
*aka "Old Norse" which might lead associations to Norway although there were no Norwegian speakers around long after the Viking age (see Origin of Vikings).
Kvenland, aka Cwenland, Kænland, Queenland, Kvinnoland, Womanland etc, is an ancient name for an area in Fennoscandia. Compare Swedish 'Kvinna' (woman) and English 'Queen' as well as Norwegian 'kone' (woman) Swedish 'kön' (sex) and English 'kin' (yes, we have Indoeuropean 'gen' but so what, where did 'gen' emerge?).
There exists a persistent "wikimyth" that Finnish language in Sweden and Norway are just a few hundred years old when in fact it's thousands of years old but due to national romanticism was explained away as caused by late immigration only.
As I already said, no one knows for sure why it was called Kvenland. However, a strong hypothesis is that the name reflects sex-slave hunt for beautiful white girls/women who were most valued on the muslim slave markets by the islamic mosques. So the Finnish empire may have existed long before it was called Kvenland.The name was just applied from the outside as a marker of its notorious records.
Kvenland appears in written sourdes from the 9th century, and from Icelandic sources written in the 12th and 13th centuries. Since the 17th century most historians have located Kvenland somewhere around or near the Bothnian Bay, in the present-day regions of Swedish Norrbotten and Finnish Ostrobothnia as well as part of Norway where there are still a Kvenish population. The traditional East Finnish name of this area was Kainuu, and it has been suggested that the Scandinavian name of Kvenland and Kainuu share etymological roots.
Around 890 CE a Northman named Ohthere visited King Alfred of Wessex who had his stories written down by Orosius.
According to Ohthere, the Norðmanna land was very long and very narrow ... and to the east are wild mountains, parallel to the cultivated land. Finnas inhabit these mountains ... Then along this land southwards, on the other side of the mountain, is Sweden ... and along that land northwards, Kvenland (Cwenaland). The Kvens (Cwenas) sometimes make depredations on the Northmen over the mountain, and sometimes the Northmen on them.
There are large [freshwater] meres amongst the mountains,[2] and the Kvens carry their ships over land into the meres, and thence make depredations on the Northmen; they have small and very light ships.
Fornjotur* (ca 160-250 CE), the Finnish King of Kvenland and Gotland, and ancestor of the Swedish Ynglinga tree and William I of England
* there is much reason to believe that the legend about Fornjotur has more truth underneath than for example the myth about Mohammed (who was allegedly born 400 years later). Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."Fornjotur, Fornjót, Fornjótr) was a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).
The name has often been interpreted as forn-jótr "ancient giant", and sometimes identified with the primeval giant Ymir. But it is also possible, as was suggested by Müller (1818), that it is one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr "user, owner, possessor", which would make Fornjótr the "original owner".
How did primary stress on first syllable come from Kvenland to Iceland?
There was of course another language, Kvenish-Finnish, that was present in Fennoscandia and somehow influenced the ancient Norse language.
Finnish possesses some of the oldest words in the world, some of them still in their original Uralic form. In fact, the old Finnish stem seems to be closer to its distant roots than other Finno-Ugric languages despite the fact that Finland has been the most modernized of them all.
Klevius linguistic question: How was the strange affinity between Indoeuropean Icelandic and Uralic Finnish created between Kvenland and Iceland?
Whereas Indoeuropean languages are strongly rooted in a Neolithic agricultural past Uralic languages are rooted in hunting/gathering societies i.e. pre-Neolithic.
Indoeuropean Old Norse developed into "Western" and "Eastern" variants. Western Norse covered Norway and overseas settlements in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Shetland Islands, while Eastern Norse developed in Denmark and south-central Sweden and coastal Finland.
The language of Iceland and the non Finnish or Saami Fennoscandia was practically the same up until the 14th century, when they started to deviate from each other.
During the late Old Norse period and this period there was also a considerable adoption of Middle Low German vocabulary. Similar development in grammar and phonology happened in Swedish and Danish, keeping the dialect continuum in continental Scandinavia intact, but with greater dialectal variation. This process did not, however, occur in the same way in Faroese and Icelandic. These languages remain conservative to this day, when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, so mutual intelligibility with continental Scandinavia was lost.
The Uralic languages belong to a single Eurasian belt of agglutinative languages together with the Altaic languages streching from Fennoscandia in the west to Japan in the east
Not only typological parallelism, but also stress on the first syllable as well as lack of third person pronoun sex segregation (e.g. Finnish 'hän' instead of 'he/she' apartheid) is accompanied by areal adjacency, allowing us to speak of a distinct Ural-Altaic language area and language type we may call Eurasiatic.
Some roots for Eurasiatic: mi (what?, mi/kä or mi/tä in modern Finnish), pälä (two), akʷā (water), tik (one or finger), konV (arm 1), bhāghu(s) (arm 2), bük(ä) (bend or knee), punče (hair), p'ut'V (vagina or vulva), snā (smell or nose), kamu (seize or squeeze), and parV (the verb to fly)
Modern Finnish preserves old words equal or almost equal more often than other languages
Examples of reconstructed Proto-Uralic words:
Body parts and bodily functions: *ïpti hair on the head, *ojwa head, *śilmä eye (same as in modern Finnish), *poski cheek (same as in modern Finnish), *kä(x)li tongue ('kieli' in modern Finnish), *elä- to live ('elää' in modern Finnish), *ka(x)li- to die ('kuolla', and 'kuoli' in imperf), *wajŋi breath (in Finnish 'vainaja' means a dead), *kosi cough, *kunśi urine ('kusi' in modern Finnish), *küńili tear ('kyynele' in modern Finnish), *se(x)ji pus.
Kinship terms: *emä mother (same in modern Finnish), *čečä uncle ('setä' in modern Finnish), *koska aunt, *mińä daughter-in-law ('miniä' in modern Finnish), *wäŋiw son-in-law ('vävy' in modern Finnish).
Verbs for universally known actions: *meni- to go ('mennä', 'meni' in imperf in modern Finnish), *toli- to come ('tulla', 'tuli' in imperf in modern Finnish), *aśkili- to step ('askel' is step in modern Finnish), *imi- to suck ('imi' is sucked in modern Finnish), *soski- to chew, *pala- to eat up ('pala' is a piece in modern Finnish), *uji- to swim ('ui' is swim in imperf in modern Finnish), *sala- to steal ('salata' means to hide in modern Finnish), *kupsa- to extinguish ('kupsata' used for to die in modern Finnish).
Basic objects and concepts of the natural world: *juka river ('joki' in modern Finnish), *toxi lake, *weti water ('vesi/vettä' in modern Finnish), *päjwä sun (same but also day in modern Finnish), warmth, *suŋi summer ('suvi' in modern Finnish), *śala- lightning ('salama' in modern Finnish), *wanča root ('vanka', 'vankka' means steady in modern Finnish), *ko(x)ji birch, *ka(x)si spruce ('kuusi' in modern Finnish), *sïksi Siberian pine, *δ'ï(x)mi bird cherry
Elementary technology: *tuli fire (same in modern Finnish), *śüδi coal, *äjmä needle, *pura drill ('pora' in modern Finnish), *jïŋsi bow ('jousi' in modern Finnish), *jänti bow string, *ńï(x)li arrow ('nuoli' in modern Finnish), *δ'ümä glue ('liima' in modern Finnish), *lïpśi cradle, *piksi rope, *suksi ski (same in modern Finnish), *woča fence.
Basic spatial concepts: *ïla below ('alla' in modern Finnish), *üli above ('yli' in modern Finnish), *wasa left ('vasen' in modern Finnish), *pälä side.
Pronouns: *mun I (meaning mine in modern Finnish), *tun you ('sun' meaning yours in modern Finnish), *ke- who (same in modern Finnish), *mi- what (same in modern Finnish).
The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic culture (bow, arrow, needle, sinew, but also rope, fence, cradle, ski), a north Eurasian landscape (spruce, birch, Siberian pine), and contains interesting hints on kinship structure.
The Vikings were bilingual (Finland-Swedes) Goths who could communicate both with the Finnish tribes as well as with the old Nordic/German people
In the Viking world the Jewish slave empire (Chazaria) played an important role in establishing the slave raid and trade system that served the enormous islamic hunger for white sex slaves.
Karelia's old coat of arms.
Karelia bordered the medieval Novgorod republic which was ransacked by muslim Bolgars who hunted for slaves. The southern part became an important hub in the islamic slave finance as Vikings and Kazar Jews etc served the islaic caliphate in the south and later on the Ottoman Turks.
Fair skinned female sex slaves from northern Europe were the by far most valuable according to islamic price lists
(see more about this here)Most of what you read about Vikings on the web is wrong. The Viking age started already before 750 in the east (because of islamic demand for sex slaves). So forget about Britain 786. Also remember that if you see the words Norway or Norwegians mentioned re. Vikings then throw the link/book away. There was no Norway or Norwegians or a Norwegian language during the Viking age! Educate yourself on Origin of the Vikings.
In 882, Rurik's successor, Oleg of Novgorod, conquered Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus.
After the Kievan Russian state began to disintegrate in 1132, slaves became much more numerous as inhabitants of neighboring East Slavic principalities (much of the territory between Poland-Lithuania and the Volga River) became fair game for enslavement.
Jewish merchants took East Slavic slaves from Novgorod to western destinations. Other East Slavic slaves were continuously "harvested" by the Turkic peoples (Tatars) inhabiting the southern and eastern frontiers of Rus' and subsequently sold to buyers mainly in the Arab countries.
The Mongol invasions into Rus' from 1236-1240 accelerated the disintegration of Kievan Rus' that had commenced in 1132.
Continuous Tatar slave raids replaced those of the pre-1240 Turkic peoples who had roamed the Ukranian steppe. In these centuries the word "slave" was borrowed from the ethnonym "Slav."
During the ensuing period of the "Tatar yoke" (1237-1480), the export of slaves through Novgorod continued and the Novgorodian slave market at the intersection of Slave and High Streets was the most active business locale in the entire Republic of Novgorod, which encompassed much of Russia north of the Volga to the White Sea.
The Crimean Tatars had converted to islam in the 1300s and in 1475 the Crimean Khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire while itself still clinging to power over the Duchy of Muscovy. In 1480, the Muscovites threw off the "Tatar Yoke" and began the unification of Russia under Slavic rulers. By 1503, those rulers would declare Russia the Third Roman Empire, and take the title of Tsar.
The Crimean Tatars made use of their strategic position between the Ottomans and the Russians and supplied slaves for the Ottoman Janissary corps from the neighboring peoples to an enormous extent yet to be fully mapped.
Greedy rulers either married a muslim and naively agreed* to convert or just found islam the perfect sword for evil but profitable slave finance
* Islam is an evil dead end. A totalitarian harpoon that has only one direction unless it's stopped. This is one of the many reasons why islam is completely out of sync with Human Rights - a fact that not only Klevius but also OIC has realized!
Little is known about the timeline of the islamization of Inner Asia and the Turkic peoples who lay beyond the bounds of the caliphate. Around 7th century and 8th century, there were some states of Turkic peoples like Turkic Khazar Khaganate and Turkic Turgesh Khaganete who fought against the caliphate in order to stop Arabization and islamization in Asia. From the 9th century onwards, the Turks (at least individually, if not yet through adoption by their states) began to convert to islam. The Bulgars of the Volga, to whom the modern Volga Tatars trace their islamic roots, are noted to have adopted islamic evil early on. When the Friar William of Rubruck visited the encampment of Batu Khan of the Golden Horde, who had recently completed the Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria, he noted "I wonder what devil carried the law of Machomet there".
Different political functions of the islamic myth to legitimate power
Quite contrary to the populist academic discourse that within an islamic worldview, the production of "eventually" correct ritual behavior can be a gateway for "the grace of Allah" to produce "correct belief", the crude reality of islam's own tenets points clearly - and without the slightest anomaly from non-islamic history in sight - to a profitable parasitic formula crudely chiseled on pre-existing Judaic dogmas. This formula, which in one sweep eliminates otherwise "puzzling" historical events, goes like this (taken from
The root formula of Islam (Klevius 2001)
Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.
Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very Human Rights islam opposes?!
Converts to islam don't have to understand anything to be a "good muslim" simply because accepting totalitarian islam is the only proof needed. However, other muslims might not approve of it...
Update: Of some reason I couldn't comment normally on the ignorant commentor below. So here's the reply for her/him - you others don't even need it because it clearly comes out of the posting itself if you possess even rudimentary knowledge about the topic:
Show me a perfectly sculptured portrait earlier than 29,000 bp. Or anything even close to the Denisova bracelet earlier than 40,000 bp. Etc., etc., the art track in Eurasia reflects the real birth of what we use to mean intelligent humans, i.e. modern humans - not to be confused with the oxymoron "anatomically modern human", which stands for something that no one knows really what it stands for - other than a desperate effort to keep the roots in Africa, no matter that facts point to the opposite direction.
Yes, all over the old world we have found crude hominin artifacts and lousy works of art - so what? Every serious geneticist (compare e.g. Pääbo) or anthropologist today agree on a crucial "jump" in human sophistication after around 40-50,000 bp. And nothing comparable at this early stage has been found elsewhere.
Pls, use the web to cure your, as it seems, truly bottomless ignorance. Or perhaps you enjoy giving the rest of us a good laugh at your expense...
Africa has nothing that comes even close to e.g. the fantastic stone bracelet in the Denisova cave, the lion man in Europe, and the cave paintings in SE Asia from more than 40,000 bp. And when a 70,000 bp "hashtag" shel was reported from South Africa the media noise was deafening - while a similar but 500,000 bp "hashtag" from SE Asia got no reaction at all. Africa is a continent and therefore impossible as a place wher a fast moving and all eating Homo could have had isolation long enough for evolution. Just a single female getting pregnant with the "wrong" male would have destroyed any evolutionary path towards human. SE Asia on the other hand has everything needed incl. island isolation long enough during climate oscillations. Homo floresiensis on the "wrong" side of the Wallace line shows where things really happened. As does Homo luzonensis on the "right" side of the Wallace line. Moreover, Africa's oldest DNA comes from Khoisan people with mongoloid (cold adapted) features. Homo floresiensis was accused of having a too small brain by afropologists. However, the simple reason that it with a chimp sized brain could handle fire, make stone tools etc. was that it dwarfed during high sea level when it was forced back to the jungle and only those survived who "updated" their brain to counteract the head dwarfing with a better packed brain. And when sea level got down again they stepped out on the savannah like landscape - and some of them even entered the mainland via new landbridges, where they hybridized with othe Homos and grew bigger and managed even to reach the fat and protein rich north, hence becoming big skulled mongoloids before taking over the world by mixing with other Homos, hence leaving the racial pattern we still can observe. The Denisovan DNA also points to SE Asia.
"To PC-people and others with a racist agenda blurring the facts: Non-African art from 41,000 - 25,000 years ago - i.e. long before anything like this emerged in Mideast or Africa!". - This statement simply isn't true, excavations in Africa revield works of art much older than 41,000. Pls,use the internet to learn more, before writing.