
Saturday, November 21, 2015

By supporting Saudi based and steered OIC-islam journalists and politicians sanction* muslim terrorists and all other evil muslims who violate Human Rights!

* Saudi based and steered OIC's deceitful "peace" rhetorics constitutes an oxymoron because its own sharia declaration "justifies" muslim terrorism. And do note that OIC is the world's biggest organization after UN in whose belly OIC grew - much like how Christian churches were changed to mosques from inside out.

It's about time for journalists (and judges) to forget about "islamophobia" and start practicing the much more important term 'muslim hate crimes'. As it's now the group that commits most of the hate crimes is never even mentioned!

Of course BBC's Mishal Husain is the best example of how islamic evil is sanctioned by diffusing the line between sharia muslims and cultural non-muslim and thereby giving evil muslims a tremendous support when it comes to the very basis of their ideology.

The insidious link

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to openly abandoning sharia islam. Or even worse, that she lies straight in the face of BBC's listeners.

However, here's an other example from Sweden - a country Klevius knows almost everything about - from the Vikings to the muslims.

Islam originated as as a militant separatist movement. When the islamofascists cololized civilized territories they suck out taxes from wealthy "infidels" (non-muslims) and enslaved the poor, while themselves settling in garrisons meticulously separated from those whom they colonized and sponged on. This, btw, was the original idea of mosques (except for being the center of the slave market, of course).

The only way to defeat so called "islamism" (i.e. islam) is to
not blur it with so called "cultural islam" or "cultural muslims" because those do not belong to islam at all but may be seen as historical hostages . And the only way muslims can defend their own evilness is to blame it on "Allah's will".

Sponging and hating muslim Koran readers

And those who really understand islam without rejecting it, accept its parasitic nature and due backwardness, and even make a point of it. And this is possible due to wealthy (through technology) civilizations surrounding medieval islamic rat holes. And Koran/islam even offers the means for it. As a muslim you have the right to sponge on the "infidels"!

Racism and sexism are the hallmarks of fascist islam. This is why islam hides itself behind "islamophobia" rhetorics. Without its original racist and sexist allure islam would be dead.

This is also why apostasy is considered the worst of crimes in islam and why muslim terrorists can use islamic tenets to murder and rape "infidels". And this is why Saudi based and steered OIC via UN has declared that sharia should hinder women from accessing full Human Rights. And by doing this the Saudi dictator family, who had stolen the land from the Bedouins, became extremely wealthy without doing anything when Westerners gave them money for oil/gas that Westerners found there and Westerners pumped up.

State of emergency in Sweden called for today

Sweden's only party critical of islam and sharia muslims, Sweden Democrats (SD) is now Sweden's most supported political party. However, yesterday Sweden's socialist PM said he won't talk with a party that represents almost a third of the Swedes. And today he announced that he is prepared to announce a state of emergency because of (muslim) terrorists.

Is this the world's stupidest or most ignorant muslim? Or just a cunning muslim? You decide!

Swedish text in Klevius translation: Terrorism isn't about religions (why in plural). Somar Al Naher: IS' project isn't radical but conservative (she's a socialist muslim).

Or both - considering she has all necessary info available - she isn't an uneducated countryside Afgan muslim girl! Or is she something else?! Just pretending...?

Klevius: Almost all of today's terrorism emanates directly from the Koran. However, what makes an evil medieval text authoritative in the eyes of evil muslims is that leaders and journalists in the West together with UN (Saudi based and steered OIC) bow for this utter evilness called islam. Islam in any meaningful understanding today equals political islam - not any private "spiritual" thinking that doesn't affect others. Islam is a global threat to everyone and can only be dismantled by making it fully obeying the most masic of Human Rights. And by doing this we immediately remove the "rightful justification" for islamic evil and can return to a more normal level of general evil in the world.

Somar al Naher is one of the best examples of how this insidious evilness gets behind the scrutiny of ordinary people who are already brainwashed with "islam is nice" and "those evil islamophobes" rhetorics.

Muslim evilness (sharia*) hidden in a social democratic manifesto signed by Somar Al Naher

* Sharia evilness defined as violating the most basic of Human Rights.

% of muslims who want sharia

Swedish text: The manifesto för muslimska socialdemokrater är skrivet och undertecknat av ordföranden för nätverket, Abdulkader Habib samt Abdikani Mohamed, Alaa Idris, Ali Ibrahim, Adrian Kaba, Amir Dabboussi, Bora Jukovic, Emina Jukovic, Hasan Dölek, Hassan Said Mahamed, Kalsoom Kaleem, Kemo Ceesay, Qaisar Mahmood, Mohamud Salad, Mariam Osman Sherifay, Mohammad Fazlhashemi, Shamm Ghafour och Somar Al Naher.

According to the manifesto for social democratic muslims (signed by Somar Al Naher)

to be a muslim is

1 to have a sharia identity ('islam och dess påbud' means 'islam and its decrees' - i.e. Human Rights violating sharia)


2 to be a non-religious muslim but with a muslim identity (sic)

Klevius translation: This deliberate diffusion of the line between sharia muslims and other muslims  is about ignorant muslims who don't practice islam (much like Obama's genitor)  but are seen by islam as muslims who can be brought back to sharia islam - or at least support its cause by their share numbers.

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