Islam was born out of pure evil. A parasitic ideology that took advantage of others in the vacuum after the (pre-islamic) Roman retreat from the area. The non-Arabic speaking "infidels" became the source of income (slaves and dhimmi tax payers) and sex/reproduction (rapetivism). Islam was/is linguistic racism. That's why the Koran has to be in Arabic.
Does Sweden have the world's worst journalists?
Klevius says no, he wouldn't have that. There's one (possibly more) in Saudi Arabia that's about the same level. However, Klevius isn't allowed to reveal the name because it could hurt the world's relation with the world's center of evil - the Saudi dictator family (excluding of course those family members who stay in opposition - if they still carry their heads). And we can't hurt our relations with the "guardians of islam" can we.This is from Scandinavia's biggest news paper today:
Lena Mellin: IS är emot västerlandet. De har grundat ett kalifat, en stat grundad på en tolkning av islam som lyckligtvis inte många ställer sig bakom.
Klevius translation: IS is against the West and have establisherd a caliphate based on an interpretation of islam that luckily few share.
Klevius correction:
At least 234,000 UK muslims have a "very favorable" or "somewhat favorable" view on the Islamic State! Why would it be different in Sweden?
Today (2015) approximately 78,000* UK muslims have a "very favorable" view on the Islamic State while some 156,000 have a "somewhat favorable" view.
* Cautiously estimated on 2.6 million adult UK muslims (2011 census).
Carina Bergfeldt: Det finns muslimer. Det finns flyktingar. Och så finns det terrorister.
Klevius translation: There are muslims. There are refugees. And then there are terrorists.
Klevius correction: Almost every terrorist is a muslim! And among the non-terrorist muslims 100% support Human Rights violating sharia (e.g. OIC). Why 100%? Simply because those who don't support Human Rights violating sharia are no real muslims! They are what used to be called "cultural muslims".
How could these islamist fanatics solve anything in Mideast?! A G20 meeting involving these thugs doesn't feel right, does it.
Saudi dictator family is behind most of islamic atrocities around the world and Erdogan & Co long for a neo-Ottoman conquest of Europe. He was even paid €2 billion for "guarding" muslims from entering EU (who mentioned the wolf guarding the sheep?). However, what fanatic Erdogan seems to have forgotten is that the Ottoman "empire" was completely dependent on its slaves. And when slavery was abolished by the West then the Ottoman "empire" sank into utmost misary and collapse. Just like the Andalus did long before when the muslims and Jews were forbidden from having Christian slaves (a main reason to the forceful Christianization of Europe).
Hillary Clinton doesn't support sharia because she is ignorant like her stupid supporters, but because it supports her selfish ambitions
That Hillary Clinton supports sharia is disgusting but understandable considering her desperate strategy now is to sell out the last of whatever human dignity and moral she might have possessed for the sole purpose of becoming president. Her sharia supporting muslim advisor Huma Abedin is her link to islamic support in different forms.
Huma Abedin was CAIR's channel for inciting hatred
CAIR is the same muslim organization that rewarded Bridges TV boss who beheaded his wife because she wanted to divorce him (see pic below that has been on the web since Obama became "president").
The key to success hidden behind the strange expression "the so called" Islamic State, which tries to cover up the fact that violent IS really is islam itself - just like "peaceful" OIC.
IS IS ISLAM - just like Saudi based and steered OIC (all muslims world organization) with its Human Rights violating sharia declaration is islam!
No matter if islam's sharia machine is called Taliban, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, OIC etc., it is always part of the islamic state (aka muslim Umma) that covers all true muslims. Defeating the Islamic State doesn't defeat the islamic state! For that purpose you need to target Saudi Arabia and OIC's sharia declaration.
Iraq war was NOT the trigger of islamic atrocities
The U.S. disliked Iraqi support for many Arab and Palestinian muslim terrorist groups such as Abu Nidal, which led to Iraq's inclusion on the developing U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on 29 December 1979. The U.S. remained officially neutral after Iraq's invasion of Iran in 1980, which became the Iran–Iraq War, although it provided resources, political support, and some "non-military" aircraft to Iraq.[32] In March 1982, Iran began a successful counteroffensive (Operation Undeniable Victory), and the U.S. increased its support for Iraq to prevent Iran from forcing a surrender. In a U.S. bid to open full diplomatic relations with Iraq, the country was removed from the U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Ostensibly this was because of improvement in the regime's record, although former U.S. Assistant Defense Secretary Noel Koch later stated, "No one had any doubts about [the Iraqis'] continued involvement in terrorism ... The real reason was to help them succeed in the war against Iran."
The Gulf War (1990 – 1991) started as operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia. It became a war - in the Persian Gulf region - waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
Muslims failed twice in their stupid planning of how to take down the WTC towers.
1993, a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 1,336 pounds (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device was intended to send the North Tower (Tower 1) crashing into the South Tower (Tower 2), bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people. It failed to do so but killed six people and injured more than a thousand.
Klevius comment: The muslim perpetrators were equally stupid as the conspiracy theorists who thought Geoge W Bush took down the towers. The 2001 plane attacks were supposed to push the towers down but the Japanese architect had made an incredible good job in stabilizing the skyscrapers. However, what happened was that the plane fuel increased the temperature of the steel frame to a point where it expanded slightly outwards making the floors above the impact zone to fall down hence putting an immense stress on the construction below. So when the steel framework started pushing outwards it gave the impression of small explosions all the ay down. And this was what made the crazy conspiracists really tick in thei incomprehensible wishful political stupidity.
The 1993 attack was planned by a group of terrorists including Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin and Ahmed Ajaj. They received financing from Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, Yousef's uncle who in 1992 received a master's degree in "Islamic Culture and History" through correspondence classes from Punjab University in Pakistan.. In March 1994, four men were convicted of carrying out the bombing: Abouhalima, Ajaj, Ayyad and Salameh. The charges included conspiracy, explosive destruction of property, and interstate transportation of explosives. In November 1997, two more were convicted: Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the bombings, and Eyad Ismoil, who drove the truck carrying the bomb.
Klevius wrote:
Friday, October 16, 2015
The so called BBC calls all islamic terrorist groups with their proper names - except the one with the proper name*, i.e. the Islamic State.
Grow up, Mishal Husain - and take responsibility for your evil ideology!
Only racism as a conscious ideological foundation for attacks and parasitism can explain the origin of islam - meaning "Westernized islam" only acts as a camouflage of neo-islam!
When faced with questions about obvious muslim racism and sexism the represenatatives of muslim councils accuse other muslims over “false” or “mistaken” interpretations of islam. In this way they try to get the focus off themselves despite their own interpretations don't differ in essence.
BBC's lying (or does she really support sharia?!) muslim sharia presenter (or is she a lying apostate?!) seemed to complain over Palestine muslims' rockets not causing enough suffering among Jews. So Klevius wonders what she thinks about the stabbing spree that the Islamic State has initiated and that many muslims now find so popular.
However, there are honest muslims who openly admit the basic racism and sexism of islam.
Islam is rooted in a Christian-Jewish messianic tradition (Muhammad comes from Aramaic and meant the same as Christos) and retains the worst parts of it. A disgusting side effect of this is that some Jews and Christians support it in a deeply bigoted and hypocritical way.
Anglican Church leader Chris Sugden preached homophobia - in a radical mosque!
Klevius comment: How long will you continue to accept this religious contamination of basic Universal Human Rights? And always remember that even the meekest form of religion is defined by it being - no matter how slightly - in opposition to Human Rights. So "reforming" religions is like driving just a little bit on the wrong lane - or in the case of islam, on the sidewalk.
The more (sharia) muslim you are, the more racist and sexist your are from a Universal Human Rights perspective.
From this simple formula one might also conclude that Mishal Husain belongs to the least racist/sexist muslims. After all, she doesn't fast during Ramadan but drinks alcohol and
Is BBC's presenter Mishal Husain a muslim or an apostate?
Klevius uses Mishal Husain as an example due to her role as a presenter at a world leading state funded (plus Sunni muslim funds through BBC World) broadcasting company. There are many lesser "Mishal Husseins" out there.There are three types of muslims:
1 The original violent jihad muslim - today represented by, for example, the Islamic State (IS, ISIS Daesh or whatever).
2 Sharia muslims who don't do violence themselves but may approve of others doing it. OIC, many (most?) imams, media (e.g. Mishal Husain*) politicians (e.g. Sayeeda Warsi).
3 Non-sharia "muslims", i.e. apostates, although many of them haven't realized it as yet due to their ignorance about their religion.
* She seems to ask for more "success" for muslim jihadis. However, she also commits blasphemy against islam by not fasting during Ramadan but rather drinking some alcohol etc., so in this respect she might also be considered an apostate, i.e. someone committing the worst of crimes against islam. But most people seem to blink this the most important borderline between muslims and "muslims". Yes, it must feel nice to eat the cake while still keeping it. But this delusion doesn't help the real victims of islam. So when Mishal Husain proudly states that "I don't feel any threat against my way of life" this might be seen as a spit in the face of islam's victims.
Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to openly abandoning sharia islam. Or even worse, that she lies straight in the face of BBC's listeners.
By calling islam "peaceful" you encourage muslim supremacism. The aim of islamic hate jihad is to achieve submission, i.e. "peace". A much better option would be to defend basic Human Rights by rejecting sharia islam wherever it is to be seen. That would force your so called "moderate" muslims to Human Rights equality or, alternatively, isolate them as evil jihadis without the sanction of a general but extremely blurred islam that encompasses both them and Mishal Husain etc. "moderate" muslims. Human Rights violating sharia is the only defintion needed to det rid of evil islam. Sign Klevius petition to force Mishal Husain to take a clear stance against hateful muslim supremacist racism based on sharia islam - or alternatively, advice her to move back to Saudi Arabia.
Klevius hint: BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain has no problem eating or drinking whatsoever during Ramadan! What do those muslim women who are not allowed - "due to their religion" - to do it think?
Klevius wrote:
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Why are muslims so eagerly throwing rocks against a symbol for non-muslims in Mina outside Mecca (the most intolerant place on Earth)?
Pope today: Most of us were immigrants! Klevius: But not hateful muslims!
Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Don't fly Qatar to the pagan Kaba idol in hateful Mecca/Saudi Arabia!
Hajj pilgrimage to the pagan idol of islam in the world's most racist, sexist and intolerant city and state may involve some additional evil
The word Hajj may be traced to the Swedish 'haj' which now means shark but used to refer to a pole and which originally is an old Finno-Ugric word that later on entered Mideast and semitic languages such as Hebrew and its later derivative Arabic (much like the Finnish 'koti' and Sami 'khode'home are reflected in the Persian Khoda).
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