
Friday, July 01, 2016

Is the "nasty party" becoming nastier with Theresa May?

Theresa May: Britain should withdraw from the European convention on Human Rights regardless of the EU referendum result. Sharia is good for the Brits.

Klevius suggestion to UK main parliamentarians: Let May and Corby exchange parties!

The most basic of Human Rights are the so clalled "negative rights", i.e. right to freedom from state or religious impositions. However, these rights are not shared by socialist ideologies, as pointed out in Klevius 1994 article below. So May has apparently ended up in the wrong party - as has Corbyn, if he really likes Human Rights as much as he tries to imply.

An English translation is on the way.

The shadow justice secretary, Charles Falconer, said he was appalled by the home secretary’s comments, which he described as “so ignorant, so illiberal, so misguided”, while the Tory MP and former attorney general Dominic Grieve said he was disappointed by the intervention.
Labour’s Falconer accused May of “sacrificing Britain’s 68-year-old commitment to human rights for her own miserable Tory leadership ambitions”.

“That is so ignorant, so illiberal, so misguided,” he said. “Ignorant because you have to be a member of the ECHR to be a member of the EU. The European Union itself agrees to abide by the ECHR. Illiberal because … there has to be a source external to a government determining what human rights are.

“And misguided because it will so damage the standing of the UK, a country that above all plays by the rules and that is going around the world saying we should comply as a world with human rights. This is so, so appalling.”

But it was not only Labour that reacted negatively to May’s speech. Grieve said he was “disappointed because it shows a lack of understanding of the positive impact the ECHR is for the EU”.

He accused May of underestimating the positive impact that the Abu Qatada case had on the Jordanian justice system and pointed out that both he and Abu Hamza were removed.

He said he was pleased that May was backing the EU, but warned: “Pulling out of the ECHR would be damaging to Britain’s international standing. It is a central pillar of foreign policy.”

However, there's a solution for the Tory Party - his name is Michael Gove.

BBC (of course) is already attacking Michael Gove and supporting sharia-May. However, so do many of his fellow Tory MPs with questionable motives and connections.

And although he as a person is as far you can get from Donald Trump, both of them will benefit women's rights simply by not allowing sharia islam.

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