
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Muslim women's "shariaphobia" in India vs. Theresa May's 'sharia is good for the Brits'

"Shariaphobia", a synonym for "islamophobia" - when will it be criminalized as "hate speech"? And more importantly, when will these muslim women realize that islam is sharia and resisting or criticizing it is "islamophobia"?

The Muslim Women Quest for Equality group petitioned the Supreme Court of India for a long overdue review of the Islamic legal system, which they claim is biased against women. They also want to end the control of religious institutions over education.

The women are requesting that bodies with jurisdiction over the Islamic community, such as the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) to be abolished, sparing India from the “… clamp of fundamentalists/activists having the ideology similar to Hafiz Muhammad Saeed and his organisation Jamat-ud-dawa (JuD).” That is a reference to a terrorist organization with a stronghold in Afghanistan and Pakistan that has been fomenting bonds with ISIS and is active in Kashmir and India.

However, the islamofascist All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) is warning that a uniform civil code would be unenforceable. This is the same board that is defending the practice of the “triple talaq,” granting men the right to divorce by repeating the word “talaq” three times. Last week the AIMPLB issued statements to the effect the practice was preferable to murder and in line with islamic law. According to the board, men are more emotionally stable and are not likely to abuse the law (sic).

Commenting on the reluctance of the successive Indian governments to enforce the Constitution, the women’s advocacy group suggests there is political give-and-take at play.

The ponzi scheme called "sharia finance" (or islamic finance) is - sharia. Why isn't it forbidden, just like money laundering, tax fraud etc. financial crimes? Especially considering that unlikes those crimes, sharia also spreads hate and sexism.


Islam's Human Rightsphobia is by far the main source of hateful racism and sexism today.

Who of these women would have survived an attack by a muslim asking "are you a muslim"?

However, Hillary Clinton considers vetting of muslims "islamophobic" whereas Donald Trump thinks not.

But we are also vetting for DUI - no matter how "insulting" it might feel for drivers not using any kind of drugs, alcohol etc.

And we have for long been vetting parents for child abuse, and more commonly starting to vet for 'controlling and coersive behavior' by spouses. And how will this latter one affect muslims? Should they be excused from such vetting because "freedom of religion" gives them the right to practice a sharia coersive control sanctioned by "allahu akhbar"?

Hillary Clinton stupidly warned against 'the instinct to villainize entire groups of people based on religion'.

"There are millions of law-abiding, peaceful Muslim Americans."

"That is why I have been very clear. We are going after the bad guys and we are going to get them, but we are not going to go after an entire religion and give ISIS exactly what it is wanting," Clinton said.

Pamela Geller: As bombs go off in the streets of New York City, jihad shoot-outs in the streets (with four cops shot), and shoppers are at first questioned weather they are Muslim or not – before being stabbed repeatedly — The President of the United States describes the war as a “battle of narratives.”

Klevius wonders whether BBC's bigoted and hypocritical muslim sharia presenter Mishail Husain could possibly suffer from a slight doses of "shariaphobia" herself.

Isn't it funny that BBC's main muslim presenter Mishail Husain only gets Klevius hits on Google when combined with the most important muslim word, i.e. 'sharia'?

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

How come that BBC's most notorious, sorry famous, muslim presenter Mishal Husain scores highest on Klevius Atheist* blogs when it comes to the very core of her own religion?

* No dude, Klevius doesn't believe in Communism or state socialism. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. were all relatives to totalitarian sharia islam. And it's only religious fanatics who try to smear the lack of a belief in an unknown and impossible "god" that opens up for racism and sexism. And no matter how "nice" a religion pretends to be, it can never even in theory achieve full Human Rights equality -  especially not for women. And a "women religion" would face the same problem as feminism. Unless of course, you equalize feminism with Human Rights, in which case you would be attacked by feminist theories because true feminism puts all responsibility on men.

BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain stands as the perfect sharia deceiver.

She doesn't respect the Ramadan but rather drinks some alcohol etc. etc. and she states that she feels no threat to her way of leading her life as someone who doesn't differ from non-muslims.

Well, says Klevius, that's just fine - as long as you don't give the impression that such a "muslimhood" has anything to do with real sharia muslims. Moreover, isn's it a cruel spat in the face of all those women who are raped, murdered , abused etc. because of sharia supremacist hate mongering?

What is Mishal Husain's role/responsibility as a media person when it comes to the misleading information about islam and sharia jihad that caused the death of these girls? How could they possibly have believed that Koran reading mosque attending men who fast during Ramadan  etc. are lesser muslims than Mishal Husain?!

Klevius suggestion to Mishal Husain: Either you tell the license fee paying public that you as a muslim propose and support sharia (e.g. OIC's Human Rights violating sharia declaration) or, alternatively, you openly abandon sharia as you abandoned Ramadan - and admit that the consequence of this would ber that you no longer classify as a real muslim. Please, clarify this in honor of islam's victims and potential future victims.

Google searches on 'sharia Mishal Husain' and 'Mishal Husain sharia' give the following results:

Klevius again beats the world's biggest news organization when it comes to really important info. Sad isn't it.

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