
Thursday, September 08, 2016

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family is the core tumor of the cancer spreading from Mideast.

Klevius (a main representative of "the critical European tradition of thought"): I'm ashamed and disgusted by "the West's" appalling appeasement of hateful racism and sexism breeding islamofascists!

Well knowing that the Saudi dictator family was behind the war in Syria, and well knowing that we don't know who* threw chlorine (which anyway has been a drop in the ocean compared to what the Saudis have caused there and in Yemen)

* Who would gain from throwing chlorine in a part where only civilians but no muslim terrorists resided - and the resulting casulties were comparably small compared to what's going on nearby?

BBC asks: How do we stop Assad from 'barrel bombing his people with chlorine' (sic)?

Ash Carter, US Secretary of Defense: 'Assad is the tumor of the cancer'.

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family's "grand mufti" (i.e. the religious leader of Saudi Arabia): 'Shia muslims are no muslims!'

Klevius: Your despicable "ally", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, is the very core tumour of the islamic cancer in Mideast and the world.

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family invented "islamophobia" and spread it via Saudi based and steered OIC over the world for the purpose of protecting - Saudi islamofascism

The evil faces of evil islam


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