
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

British Nationalist Party (BNP) must be very proud of Theresa May's hate speeches that has let loose nationwide British racism against EU citizens.

When will UK apply same hate crime and "diversity" policies to protect EU citizens as are already in place for muslims? And what about cowardice British racists who gladly verbally, institutionally or sometimes even physically attack EU citizens but who wouldn't dare to do the same against muslims?

Scandinavia's biggest news paper Aftonbladet: Racism against Swedes in London after Brexit.

Swedish EU Minister: "I'm chocked."

Klevius (who is born in Saltsjöbaden/Sweden but has a Finnish passport): I'm not!

 Theresa May's hate campaign and support of hateful* sharia muslims is furthermore boosted by BBC's hate propaganda against EU citizens for the purpose of defending muslim sharia racism/sexism.

* Basic Human Rights violating sharia is for muhammadans who believe in the evil deeds of Muhammad, the most important part of their "religion" and aim for full implementation asap.

This is how Sun looked like in January 2014 - plus some editing by Klevius.

Actually, the years leading up to Brexit were filled with hateful rhetoric purposefully directed against EU citizens while most of the people where fed up with hateful sharia muslim immigrants.

Klevius - whose default state of color and sex blindness paired with his basic Human Rights commitment protects him - was all for Brexit - without basic Human Rights violating sharia Muhammadism (aka islam). Theresa May seems to be the very opposite.

Racist, useless and "fake" British passports

Moreover, Theresa May isn't only a racist and a lousy deal maker (miles after Trump whom she used to spit on) but she is also surrounded by intellectually less gifted and fanatically more gifted "advisors".

She also seems to be quite good (already as Home Secretary) at removing rights from "foreigners" in a deliberately stealthy and deceptive manner. So for example, is it a well known fact that British passports are of no value whatsoever for most people not born in UK (also note how many muslim terrorists are born in UK) simply because the slightest legal mistake makes them useless for Brits not born in UK and therefore vulnerable to be deported to their country of birth.

And this is made much more insidious by the fact that an application for a UK passport (if you're stupid enough to make the huge effort and humiliation of the process - which UK born muslim terrorists and sharia supporters etc. don't have to - plus paying the high fees) is made by the Devil's attorney.

The information needed to be signed ought to cover everything and should be detailed to an extent that is completely impossible for most people to cover. So they either make something up or blank it. And in doing so they are, if Theresa May or someone else wants to use it, an easy target for deportation already on the grounds of having given "false" information - no matter how exemplary they otherwise are.

And that's not all. Unlike British born citizens, "foreign born" UK citizens can be deported on the insidious "not being conducive to British interests". "British interest" varies with time and who happens to be in power and should not be used as a tool for institutional racism in a modern democracy based on basic Human Rights.

Theresa May used the very ideology she so eagerly defends as an excuse to rob Brits from the most basic Human Rights. She could easily have deported muslim hate preachers without leaving the European Court of Human Rights. How? Simply by utilizing that very same court's decision to declare sharia islam incompatible with Human Rights values. But she chose not to. Why? Klevius guess is that that would have revealed the true nature of that Muhammadanism (aka sharia islam) that so many muslims adhere to.

 Theresa May is rather a friend with hateful (see asterisk above) sharia muslims and their catastrophic countries of origins than with non-muslim people and countries.

And she seems especially interested in the world's worst spreader of islamic hate and suffering, i.e. the islamofascist Saudi dictator family.

How much do the British Brexit racists really benefit from May's cooperation with the islamofascist war crime and Human Rights crimes committing Saudi dictator family and London's financial manipulations?


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