
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Why is Human Rights defending Klevius called an "islamophobia racist" while the openly racist/sexist war crime committing islamofascist Saudi dictator family is welcomed in UN "to protect women"?!

The world's muslims are kept in a Wahhabi/Saudi hate hostage against the most basic Human Rights. And pointing this out is called "islamophobia".

However, Ĺ•ecently most news media have joined Klevius in an "islamophobic" stance against that Saudi Arabia was approved as a member of the Commission for the 2018-2022 term by the 54 nations that make up the UN Economic and Social Council. It received 47 votes in a secret ballot, fewer than any other country under consideration but enough to pass the majority threshold.

Most media - except BBC - followed Klevius in condemning the Saudi membership approval.

Muslim identity all over the world is ruled by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family which possesses OIC and "islam's holy places" - and is aided by Western politicians. This fact is never weighed in in the frenetic campaign against "islamophobia" which the islamofascist Saudi dictator family itself has initiated and boosted - and which ignorant people around the world seem to believe in thanks to their politicians etc. "teaching" them to do so, and the simultaneous media suppressing and faking info about sharia islam and real Human Rights..

The Saudi weapons are:

1 OIC sharia against Human Rights via UN, politicians, universities, mosques etc.

2 Oil sharia via investments and weapons trade.

3 Although the Saudi military is among the most incompetent (especially compared to money spent) the real military power of the islamofascist Saudi dictator family resides in its sponsoring of worldwide islamic hatred - as well as much of the weaponry used for this hatred. But the real "smartness" of the Saudi military terrorist strategy is that it most often doesn't even need to arrenge for weapons because bombs (incl. fire-bombs), knives, acids etc. are cheap and easy to access/produce.

4 The Koran which is full of useful statements about how to hate, rape, murder etc. so called "infidels".

5 An illiterate Arabic speaking "prophet" whose main asset was the jhihad sword (compare the Saudi flag).

6 The status as "custodians" of Mecca with its muslim Haji idolatry points such as e.g. Kaaba and Mina, and Medina where islam started by slaughtering and raping all the Jews there..

The islamofascist war crimes committing and global islamic hate mongering Saudi dictator family not only attacks its Western "allies" by supporting islamic terror and sharia, it also keeps all the world's muslims hostage via it controlling OIC, UN, mosques, universities, politicians etc. around the world precisely by using its position as "the guardians of islam" (the so called "holy places" Mecca and Medina, where Mohammad started his slaughtering and raping conquest).

Drawing from 1979 by Peter Klevius

Peter Klevius has during all of his life fought for women's rights - as part of the overall fight for Universal Human Rights equality. However, he could never imaging that the world would be steered by oil wealthy Saudi islamofascist in 2017 - and that defending Human Rights would be called "islamophobia"..

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