
Monday, October 15, 2018

BBC continues its faking about the islamofascist Saudi "guardians of islam" while simultaneously being complicit to keeping all muslims hostage to the Saudis by lumping them all together in the Saudi anti-"islamophobia" smear campaign.

 Today'smost dangerous  fascism comes from Saudi Arabia - not from Bavaria or Birmingham.

BBC talks long about "islamophobia" and AFD just after having in a couple of seconds reported about the murderous Saudi custodians of islam. How is this not fake news and fascist propaganda. Moreover, BBC has the nerve to call criticism of islamofascism "hate of muslims". Same BBC which NEVER mentions Saudi based and steered OIC's Human Rights violating world sharia. Nor does BBC tell its compulsory fee paying listeners about the selfevident possibility to distinguish between islamofascist muslims and Human Rights respecting muslims. Why?! Simply because that would weaken the Saudi jihad sword - and make it harder to accuse islam critics for "hate speech".

No one accuses "all muslims" for what the evil custodians of islam have been up to. It's just an incidious and sinister lie by BBC to constantly imply so while neglecting the wider context.

And who dug themselves into this Saudi islamofascist mess in the first place? Colonial and imperialist Britain of course.

In 1916, with the encouragement and support of Britain (which was fighting the Ottomans in World War I), the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, led a pan-Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire to create a united Arab state. Although the Arab Revolt of 1916 to 1918 failed in its objective, the Allied victory in World War I resulted in the end of Ottoman suzerainty and control in Arabia.

Ibn Saud (see below) avoided involvement in the Arab Revolt, and instead continued his struggle with the Al Rashid. Following the latter's final defeat, he took the title Sultan of Nejd in 1921. With the help of the Ikhwan, the Hejaz was conquered in 1924–25 and on 10 January 1926, Ibn Saud declared himself "king" of the Hejaz. A year later, he added the title of "king" of Nejd. For the next five years, he administered the two parts of his dual kingdom as separate units.

After the conquest of the Hejaz, the Ikhwan leadership's objective switched to expansion of the Wahhabist realm into the British protectorates of Transjordan, Iraq and Kuwait, and began raiding those territories. This met with Ibn Saud's opposition, as he recognized the danger of a direct conflict with the British. At the same time, the Ikhwan became disenchanted with Ibn Saud's immigration policies and increase in the number of non-muslim foreigners. As a result, they turned against Ibn Saud and, after a two-year struggle, were defeated in 1929 at the Battle of Sabilla, where their leaders were massacred. On 23 September 1932 the Hejaz and Nejd were united as the "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" (see below).

This development happenedalmost simultaneously with the birth of the British empire propaganda broadcaster BBC. Later on the BBC World Service began in 1932 as the BBC Empire Service.

The old religious "British" repeats itself in the Brexit problem. Religion is a power tool. It's completely irrelevant to talk about individual "believers" "faith" and "prayers", when both the origin of islam as well as islam today is totally in the hands of dictators and politicians hunting for booty with the help of the jihad sword.

British political "logic":

Sharia islam(ofascism) is good for the Brits, as long as it doesn't threatens PM/government/parliament - as it did.

The border between EU and UK should be left open because otherwise it reignites the religious problem that caused it in the first place when the British empire colonized Ireland. What? Did Klevius hear someone repeating BBC's false mantra "it's not about religion"? Of course it is. What else could fuel religion? Individuals praying by themselves?!

 England chose to leave EU while leaving EU's gate open on Ireland. Wasn't the very reason that English voters voted Brexit that they were worried about Merkel's stupid idea to open up for islamofascist immigrants via Turkey?

How BBC brainwashes Brits with faked info

BBC today (via cherry picked "guests") again told the "Brits" about "white anti-immigrant men" who dislike "blacks and muslims". This typical and incidious double talk way of problem formulating monopoly not only seduces listeners associations to innocent and possibly poor or at least pity needing blacks and muslims in general, for the purpose of hiding the real culprits namely sharia islamofascists of whatever skin color.

Most people have never realized the core of original islam - no matter historians have reported about it clearly being robbing, raping, torturing, taxing and enslaving of "non-believers" excused by "Allah"/the Koran and the "last messenger". However, now the islamofascist Saudi dictator family* has made this core extremely visible for even the most stubborn deniers. At least Trump was honest when saying it was all about money. He could have added that the same logic applied to the Nazis and their collaborators. However, islam is much more global than Nazism because islam uses half of the population, women, to reproduce biologically as well as culturally new muslims who are told that the worst crime they can commit is apostasy, i.e. to leave islam. Moreover, this one way system is strengthened by muslim women being forbidden to marry non-muslim men.

* Per definition the concept of the "islamofascist Saudi dictator family" of course only includes the islamofascist members, i.e. not the ones biologically related but opposing islamofascism.

The murderous history of the islamofascist Saudi dictator  family

In 1902, The Exiled Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Saud and his gangsters (the Wahhabi movement) stormed Riyadh and shot and killed the Wali (the governor of the Khilafah:Al-Rasheed) as another gift for Britain. This event marked the beginning of the formation of the pirate kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1902-1913, After establishing Riyadh as his headquarters, Abdul Aziz proceeded, over the following decades side by side with the British soldiers to loot and kill the soldiers and supporters of The Ottomani Khilafah.

In 1914, Britain started to send a stream of agents (including William H.Shakespeare, Harry St. John Phil by and Percy Cox) to woo and encourage Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman in her task on the Arabian front. Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman’s campaign was one of sabotage and stabbing in the back, it was never face-to-face confrontation.

In 1915 William H. Shakespeare, a close advisor to Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman was murdered alongside some Wahhabi conspirators.

In 1915, Britain dispatched another agent by the name of Harry St. John Philby, who soon appeared in full Arab dress on top of a camel with Abdul- Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as a saudi warrior. Philby was called by Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman the “new star of Arab firmament”. Philby in return described Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as the Arabs “man of destiny”ä However, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman was the arch political sell-out, many times offering to sell himself to the British. He once said to Philby, “If anyone offered me a million pounds I would give him all the concessions he wants”.

In December 1915 the Anglo-Saud friendship treaty was concluded and made the house of Saud an outpost of the British Empire. Britain was given trading privileges and was superintendent of Saudi foreign policy. A guarantee of British military protection and arms supplies ended the Turkish Ottoman Khaleefah’s authority in central Arabia.

In 1916, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman received from the British 1300 guns, 10,000 rupees and 20,000 gold coins.

1917-1926, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman and his organized Wahhabi gangsters in military style and with the help of British soldiers succeeded in controlling the whole of Najd and Hijaz.

8 January 1926 Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman (Known as Ibn-Saud) was self-proclaimed "king" of Arabia and was embroiled in discussions with the British representative, Percy Cox, for the determination of the borders of the new entity. The British Public Records described Abdul-Aziz’s demeaning stature at these meetings “like a naughty schoolboy” in front of Cox. When Cox insisted it was his decision as to draw the frontiers between Kuwait, “Ibn-Saud almost broke down and pathetically remarked that Sir Percy was like his father and mother who made him and raised him from nothing… and he would surrender half his Kingdom, nay the whole, if Sir Percy ordered. Cox took out a map and pencil and drew a line of the frontier of Arabia”.

1926-1932, "king" Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman (Ibn-Saud) courted the British unashamedly, showing sublime affection towards Britain’s envoys. He offered to put Arabia under their control. For his loyalty to the British crown, like so many other British agents, Ibn Saud was awarded a knighthood (presented to him by his self-proclaimed “father and mother” Percy Cox) and British documents referred to him as “Sir” Abdul Aziz Bin Saud for many years afterwards.

September 23, 1932 the self appointed "king", Sir Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman replaced the names of Najd and Hijaaz by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and laid the foundations of the current Pirate state.

In 1953, The pirate "king" Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman died and Saud the eldest son of Abdul Aziz succeeded the "throne".

In 1957, "king" Saud made the first trip by a Saudi dictator-monarch to the United States.

In 1962, Saudi Arabia by special request of the British government sponsored an international Islamic conference, which fostered the Muslim World League, which has its headquarters in Makkah.

In 1964, "king" Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz died and Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz became king.

"King" Faisal by special request of the British government was a central force behind the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (the OIC) in Jeddah.

In 1975 he was murdered by his brother Fahd.

In 1975, Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz became "king".

In 1982 he was poisoned by his brother Fahd .

In 1982, Fahd became "king".

"King" Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz was the pirate ruler of the pirate state of so-called Saudi-Arabia until he died and the dement "king" Salman became a puppet for his murderous son who now is accused of having murdered Jamal Khashoggi in a Saudi consulate in Europe (Islanbul).

The islamofascist “Royal Family” of Saudi Arabia is the leading champion of all efforts to wipe out and demolish the archelogical history of islam. Najd and Hijaaz were the former names of so-called Saudi Arabia today. The dark history of Hijaaz started with the ruthless, coward, savage and murderous Abdul-Aziz Bin Saud, who established himself as "king" back in 1932.

With the help of the British, Saudi Arabia became the only country in the world named after its dictator.

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