
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Peter Klevius D-Day reminder: During WW2 war criminals US and UK deliberately* burnt civilian Germans alive on an industrial scale on their D(eath)-days, while Russia saved Europe from the Nazis.

* If not other available material is enough, then consider that an official 1953 US report on the senseless "revenge" fire storm bombings over residential areas, concluded that the Dresden attack destroyed or severely damaged only 23% of the city's industrial buildings, but at least 50% of its residential buildings (and people). Moreover, according to Wikipedia, 90% of the main city area of Dresden was destroyed by bombs, and fire bombs causing fire storms.

And now*, since 2013, when US started it, the same war criminals US and UK have been accomplices with Ukrainian neo-Nazis in a genocide against Russians in Dombas etc.

* Like in Gaza, US/UK have stopped any effort to ceasefire and negotiations, but on the contrary have made the utmost to fuel the war.

The numbers of Palestinians, Ukrainians and Russians dead or injured are climbing while the whole of Europe's security it put on extreme risk thanks to the war criminal politicians occupied by the world's worst financial fraudster and embezzler (since 1971) who is now money printed into a corner - and extremely desperate and dangerous.

Versailles, the child of WW1, became the mother of WW2 and possible grandmother of WW3 - led by US efforts to keep its stolen hegemony no matter what. So let's prevent it before it's too late. Arrest warmongers and put them on trial! All people around the world are the same abd understand that peace is best for them - except the warmongers.

By only focusing on the Russian invasion 2022 without considering the deliberate threat US (Obama adminstration) was building up 2013 against Russia on Crimea - US nukes etc. at Sevastopol - BBC and other US steered media brainwash the minds of usually ignorant people who are busy with their lives and have no chance to penetrate all political and media propaganda, hence becoming sitting ducks for their own detriment in West's militarism and war hysteria.  

It's disgusting to hear BBC and politicians hypocritically "memorizing" D-day, when we all know that all soldiers, German, Russian, US, UK, etc., were forced into war via propaganda, compulsory laws etc. And although some were lucky to survive, the forgotten suffering on the title page of Peter Klevius book (1992) should be the real target for memorizing - and learning from the past.

US nukes on Crimea became the Ukraine war

Philosophically there's a black hole in militaristic reasoning, as long as "interest outside one's own borders" - if not existential, as in the case of Crimea/Ukraine - are used as an excuse. Every historian agrees that US since WW2 has been the by far worst and most frequent attacker against other countries "to secure US interest". However, countries like people come in all sizes and configurations. If the stronger are allowed to use his power against the weaker so to "secure his interest" over the others interest, then we are in a global mess morally.

However, dollar thieve (since 1971) US, which committed the by far biggest financial fraud ever, sanctions its criminal path through history. The latest being that US legislators want to sanction ICC. Why? Because of ICC's ruling against US ally Israel!

Dresden was just the tip of the iceberg of US/UK "revenge" fire-storming of civilians in Germany, and US firestorms and nuke attacks against civililians in Japan. 

And today US and UK peace voices are declared "Putinist" or "communist".

"They don't know what they are doing."

Btw, most killed in the Holocaust were Communists. Moreover, Communism was more prevalent among less wealthy Jews in Germany, that among average Germans.

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