How deeply has sharia islam already been implemented in Swedish law? Is it still possible to call sharia muslims, who violate the most basic of Human Rights, islamofascists, or is it called "hets mot folkgrupp"* (Swedish for "blasphemy" against islamic sharia)?!
* So called "islamophobic" criticism against muslims and islam is almost always directed against those parts of islam and those muslims who violate or wants to violate basic Human Rights. However, the picture presented is most often that the "evi islamophobes" "offend" "peaceful" muslims who constitute "the nice majority" of muslims. Never is Human Rights violating sharia even mentioned nor if these "offended" muslims believe in Human Rights violating sharia - and therefore gravely offend non-muslims (Klevius apologize for the clumsy text but it's written on the go and without time for proofreading, and as you know, dear reader, all the keywords etc. have to be there so not to feed the waiting vultures).
Poll: 25% of American muslims agree that violence against Americans in America is justified as part of global jihad. 51% ask for sharia. 29% agree that violence against Americans who insult Muhammad is justified. Why haven't we seen these stats from Sweden? How much could they possibly differ!
Militant muslims defended and hailed while their victims are forgotten
Swedish neo-muslim women ranging from non-religious "cultural muslims" to fanatic defenders of the rights of Islamic State jihadists, belong to a muslim trend of women betraying the victims of sharia islam
Hanna Gadban's jihad against sharia islam: Islam is for me a cultural belonging, not a religious foundation.Klevius: Yet by calling herself a muslim she supports the same "muslim world community" (Umma) that inevitably rests on sharia (e.g. OIC). Why don't "muslims" who don't approve of sharia, dare to abandon this false label? Is it because according to islam the worst crime you can do is leaving islam (apostasy)? Klevius suggestion: Bow in front of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and try to lick up some of her courage, will you, loser!
Hanna Gadban is a muslim "islamophobe" who fears traditional islam (and sharia muslims presumably) but calls herself a "cultural muslim" anyway. Why muslim at all?!
Neo-muslim Ida Dzanovic criticizes neo-muslim Hanna Gadbans for proposing that muslim Islamic State jihadists should be removed of their Swedish passport. She also criticizes Swedish muslims for wanting sharia. Sounds like a hybrid between muslimhood and "islamophobia", doesn't it.
Ida Dzanovic: "The hate that caused the massacre in Srebrenica is the same as the hate spreading in Sweden today".
Klevius: Hateful muslim sharia supremacism that asks for killing, or at least intimidating and humiliating the "infidels"? Sharia is the pa th towardshateful racist sexist islamic supremacist nationalism - and away from the most basic Human Rights! No wonder then that the "guardian of islam", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, equalizes Human Rights with terrorism.

Why are muslim genocides and massacres of non-muslims not talked about?
Lee Jay Walker: The image of Srebrenica tells us more about the reality of the majority of the media and of course the “Muslim victim card” is being used in order to cleanse the Bosniak Muslims. After all, from enslaving Orthodox Christians during their brotherly love with the Turkish slave masters of the Ottoman Empire to having Muslim SS units who supported Adolf Hitler; then “victimhood” is needed in order to justify their history and culture.
Of course the wishy-washy brigade will tell us that the Ottoman period was enlightened and that the system of taking the eldest Christian boy (devshirme system) in the Balkans and converting them to Islam was noble. Yes, slavery in the modern era being justified and not mere slavery because the system meant that they would kill their own people in the name of Islam after being indoctrinated by Islamists in the Ottoman Empire.
However, the liberal agenda tells us that Europe owes so much to Islam. Strange because Islam took the sword to Europe and enslaved and colonized and this reality shames historians and commentators who manipulate history. After all, if people stated that the Atlantic slave trade was enlightening then people would be rightly condemned. However, when scholars and journalist speak about a tolerant Islamic Ottoman Empire or about their man made multi-religious Bosnia then the elites clap in admiration while leaders in Mecca dream about Islamization by stealth jihad.
Of course even the Atlantic trade route is also manipulated because little is said about the Arab and Turkish enslavement of Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. These tens of millions of slaves do not count and it would not suit the agenda to mention white slaves and Hindu slaves.
The Orthodox Christian world along with Africa and the Hindu world suffered so much at the hands of Islamic slavery and Protestant and Catholic imperialism which also enslaved. This reality is forgotten and it appears that even in recent times that Orthodox Christians and Hindus do not count.
After all, three wars in the Balkans since the 1970s in Bosnia, Cyprus and Kosovo and every time the West supported Islam. Also, the Turkish genocide which killed millions of Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, is still not recognized despite several million Christians being slaughtered in 1915 and the following years (major pogroms took place also before this date).
Similarly, the de-Hinduization of Kashmir, Bangladesh and Pakistan does not seem to hit the headlines in modern times. Therefore, while the Muslim population remains strong in India and is growing the Hindus of Bangladesh, Kashmir and Pakistan are in free fall in percentage terms.
Alas, it appears that Orthodox Christians and Hindus don’t count!
Turning back to Srebrenica and the reality or unreality of what really happened. After all, Bosnian Muslims have to justify their past misdeeds and Western powers need to justify killing from the air during the bombing of Serbia.
You see, when NATO bombing attacks against mainly civilians took place in Serbia this was deemed to be “Western civilization.” Yes, the overwhelming majority of people killed were not military fighters in the army of Serbia but were civilians and bombing hospitals, the infrastructure and so forth was all justified in the name of “Western civilization.”
Strange, because when several million Africans who were mainly Christian or Animist were being killed in Southern Sudan by the Arab Muslim regime then nothing was done. Therefore, “the double standards” or should I say “no standards” was at work once more and the twisting of history and reality was done in order to suit an agenda.
The House of Saud must have been so pleased with both events. After all, kill millions of African Christians and Animists in Sudan in order to Arabize and Islamize and the West does nothing. At the same time create two Islamic dominated states in Europe with Kosovo being accomplished and Bosnia being the future hope after the enforced demise of the Bosnian Serb Republic.
This is where Srebrenica suits the agenda in order to cover-up all the misdeeds of past history and this applies to Bosniak Muslim history and the Western bombing of Serbia which enabled a body organ transplanting leadership to take power.
Before going deeper into what happened in Srebrenica it is important to clarify that thousands of Muslims were killed after Bosnian Serbian forces took Srebrenica. This applies to not only Muslim soldiers who were killed but also innocent Muslims who were also killed during the mayhem of events.
Srdja Trifkovic, who is an historian, foreign affairs analyst and respected author, states the following:
“During the Bosnian war between May 1992 and July 1995, several thousand Muslim men lost their lives in Srebrenica and its surroundings. Most of them died in July of 1995 when the enclave fell unexpectedly to the Bosnian Serb Army and the Muslim garrison attempted a breakthrough. Some escaped to the Muslim-held town of Tuzla, 38 miles to the north. Many were killed while fighting their way through; and many others were taken prisoner and executed by the Bosnian Serb army.”
Srdja Trifkovic continues by stating that “It is often pointed out that Srebrenica was an UN “protected zone,” but it is seldom noted that the enclave was simultaneously an armed camp used for attacks against Serb villages in the surrounding areas. Muslim General Sefer Halilovic confirmed in his testimony at the Hague Tribunal that there were at least 5,500 Bosnian Army soldiers in Srebrenica after it had obtained the “safe haven” status, and that he had personally arranged numerous deliveries of sophisticated weapons by helicopter.”
This statement is important because the Muslim General, Sefer Halilovic, confirms that you had at least 5,500 Bosnian Muslim Army soldiers in Srebrenica. More important, these fighters had slaughtered more than 3,500 Christians prior to the fall of Srebrenica and this applies to young children, women and the elderly in surrounding villages.
Even worse, the so-called safe haven meant that Bosnian Muslim forces would attack outside of the main area of central Srebenica and kill Orthodox Christians. However, they would then return to Srebrenica in order to be protected and to re-enforce their stronghold and this applies to re-arming and so forth.
The UNPROFOR commander, French General Philippe Morillon, testified that the crimes committed by Bosnian Muslim forces were “extraordinary” and made the Serbs’ desire for revenge to be “inevitable.”
Philippe Morillon clearly stated the name of the Bosnian Muslim commander Naser Oric who was known for being sadistic. On February 12 in 2004 at The Hague Tribunal Philippe Morillon testified that Bosnian Muslim forces under Naser Oric “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region.”
Philippe Morillon is clearly commenting about the massacres of thousands of Orthodox Christians who were killed in the surrounding region. This applies to Christians being burnt alive, beheaded and so forth.
This Srebrenica is about two military forces being the Orthodox Bosnian Christian Serb forces and the Bosnian Muslim forces. Therefore, the real Srebrenica is very different and if General Ratko Mladic did not have Bosnian Serb units in the region to stem the massacre of Orthodox Christians then the figure of 3,500 deaths would have been even higher.
Also, from a military point of view the Bihac Muslims in Western Bosnia under Fikret Abdic had supported the Bosnian Serbs but in time they would be crushed by Bosnian Muslim forces under the Islamist, Alija Izetbegovic. At the same time during the civil war in Croatia the Krajina Serbs would be forced out and many innocent Orthodox Christians would be killed and “cleansed.”
Srebrenica was part of a bigger battle and little is said about Serbian Christian areas in Sarajevo which were taken by Islamist military forces under Alija Izetbegovic. Therefore, not only had Srebrenica Muslim forces killed and slaughtered thousands of innocent Orthodox Christians in the surrounding region; but their brutality and numbers of more than 5,500 military Muslim soldiers meant that Bosnian Serb units were being pinned down.
It was a situation that was leading to vented up hanger and hatred. After all, why wasn’t Krajina a protected area for Orthodox Christian Serbs and the same applies to Bihac where Muslims were moderate and wanted protection from Bosnian Islamist forces under Alija Izetbegovic….why weren’t these areas protected?
In fact, not only were the protected safe havens biased towards the Muslims who supported the Islamist Alija Izetbegovic; but at the same time thousands of international Islamists were allowed to enter Bosnia in order to slit the throats of Orthodox Christians and Catholic Christians because to international Islamists the war had a different meaning because it was an Islamic Jihad in their eyes.
Not only this, Bill Clinton who supported the Islamists who were given tacit approval to slaughter Orthodox Christians had a double agenda. This applies to allowing thousands of international Islamists into Bosnia and at the same time to build up both Croatian Catholic units and the Bosnian Muslim Islamist leadership of Alija Izetbegovic.
Time was not on the side of the Bosnian Christian Serbs and in this sense General Ratko Mladic is being tried in the courts of The Hague because he had held out against a huge united and international agenda. Indeed, for the Bosnian Serbs to have held out and maintain a vast area of Bosnia is remarkable given the fact that America, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and many others, alongside international Islamists like Al Qaeda, had all worked together in order to defeat the Bosnian Serbs.
Major-General (Ret) Lewis Mackenzie who is a retired Canadian general also raises serious doubts about so-called “good” and “evil.” In his article called
“The real story behind Srebrenica. The massacre in the UN ‘safe haven’ was not a black and white event,” which was published in The Globe and Mail (July 14, 2005), he clearly highlights neglected areas.
Major General (Ret) Lewis MacKenzie states the following:
“As the Bosnian Muslim fighters became better equipped and trained, they started to venture outside Srebrenica, burning Serb villages and killing their occupants before quickly withdrawing to the security provided by the UN’s safe haven. These attacks reached a crescendo in 1994 and carried on into early 1995 after the Canadian infantry company that had been there for a year was replaced by a larger Dutch contingent.”
“The Bosnian Serbs might have had the heaviest weapons, but the Bosnian Muslims matched them in infantry skills that were much in demand in the rugged terrain around Srebrenica. As the snow cleared in the spring of 1995, it became obvious to Nasar Oric, the man who led the Bosnian Muslim fighters that the Bosnian Serb army was going to attack Srebrenica to stop him from attacking Serb villages. So he and a large number of his fighters slipped out of town. Srebrenica was left undefended with the strategic thought that, if the Serbs attacked an undefended town, surely that would cause NATO and the UN to agree that NATO air strikes against the Serbs were justified. And so the Bosnian Serb army strolled into Srebrenica without opposition.”
General Morillon bluntly states that “Naser Oric was a warlord who reigned by terror in his area and over the population itself. I think that he realized that these were the rules of this horrific war, that he could not allow himself to take prisoners. According to my recollection, he didn’t even look for an excuse. It was simply a statement: One can’t be bothered with prisoners.”
Morillon also recounts how “the Serbs took me to a village to show me the evacuation of the bodies of the inhabitants that had been thrown into a hole, a village close to Bratunac. And this made me understand the degree to which this infernal situation of blood and vengeance […] led to a situation when I personally feared that the worst would happen if the Serbs of Bosnia managed to enter the enclaves and Srebrenica.”
“I feared that the Serbs, the local Serbs, the Serbs of Bratunac, these militiamen, they wanted to take their revenge for everything that they attributed to Naser Oric. It wasn’t just Naser Oric that they wanted to revenge, take their revenge on; they wanted to revenge their dead on Orthodox Christmas.”
It is clear that the Bosnian Muslim forces and Srebrenica is not the “innocent Muslim lamb” which is being told; on the contrary “Srebrenica was a fortified Islamic stronghold which butchered and slaughtered innocent Orthodox Christians in the surrounding region.”
Also, events on the ground were changing rapidly and this applies to Bihac, Mostar, Krajina and many parts of Bosnia and Croatia. In the ensuing mayhem massacres on all sides took place and in Bihac it was local Muslims who were killed by Islamic forces which supported Alija Izetbegovic.
Indeed, it is strange that Alija Izetbegovic and Muslim units cared so much about crushing the moderate Muslims of Bihac when it was claimed that they were overstretched and facing genocide. However, this is a different issue but interesting all the same because it shows you the limitations of many journalists who followed the “Islamist Alija Izetbegovic party line” and it shatters the myth because Serbian forces had helped the Muslims of Bihac.
Lord Owen also vindicates what General Morillon stated because on page 143 of his book, Balkan Odyssey, the respected Lord Owen comments that “On 16 April I spoke on the telephone to President Milosevic about my anxiety that, despite repeated assurances from Dr. Karadzic that he had no intention of taking Srebrenica, the Bosnian Serb army was now proceeding to do just that. The pocket was greatly reduced in size. I had rarely heard Milosevic so exasperated, but also so worried: he feared that if the Bosnian Serb troops entered Srebrenica there would be a bloodbath because of the tremendous bad blood that existed between the two armies. The Bosnian Serbs held the young Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, responsible for a massacre near Bratunac in December 1992 in which many Serb civilians had been killed. Milosevic believed it would be a great mistake for the Bosnian Serbs to take Srebrenica and promised to tell Karadzic so.”
In a past article I state that “I have given quotes from people who were on the ground and from people who know a lot about the real events of Bosnia and Srebrenica. It would be difficult to claim that Lord Owen, General Morillon, and Lewis MacKenzie, are pro-Serbian or that they are holocaust deniers.”
“Therefore, it is clear that “the real Srebrenica” is not being told and the same applies to the “hidden Islamic jihad” which took place during the civil war and how ex-President Bill Clinton gave the green light to Islamists from all over the world to enter Bosnia.”
Srebrenica should be remembered but it should be remembered in its duality and this applies to thousands of innocent Orthodox Christians and Muslims who were killed by both sides. It also should be remembered that Bosnian Muslim forces had slaughtered thousands of Christians first in the surrounding region of Srebrenica and that the “safe haven” was abused and generals from the international community who were on the ground state this clearly and Morillon testified in court.
Lewis MacKenzie comments that “two wrongs never made a right, but those moments in history that shame us all because of our indifference should not be viewed in isolation without the context that created them.”
With this powerful comment in mind and the complex nature of Bosnia and Croatia and the inner-struggle between the Muslim community in Bihac against the Islamist Alija Izetbegovic; alongside the international Islamist movement and Al Qaeda being involved; and the arming of Bosnian Muslim forces and Croatia by America, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and others. Then Srebrenica can’t be talked about by one single event because what happened before and the complexity of the civil wars means that the entire picture must be seen and the “evil and hatred” which existed was based on events prior to Bosnian Serb forces entering Srebrenica.
In all civil wars you have massacres and no side is innocent and anybody who says differently is biased to the extreme. If you view Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ignore events prior to this and the carpet bombing of Germany and Japan where millions were killed; then all the massacres which took place by Germany and Japan will not be viewed and in isolation you have a mass distortion of reality.
This is what is happening about Srebrenica; a huge distortion of reality and past events are being ignored and manipulated to an extreme point of view and which is anti-Serbian.
Ratko Mladic from a Bosnian Serb point of view held out against multiple forces and this applies to the Bosnian Muslim forces, Catholic Croatian forces, international Islamists and nations like America, Iran, and Saudi Arabia who were re-arming the Croatians and Bosnian Muslim forces who supported Alija Izetbegovic.
If genuine healing is to take place or if the truth counts for anything; then Srebrenica should be remembered for the fallen on all sides.
It is not good enough to say that the deaths of more than 3,500 Orthodox Christians don’t count and to ignore the fact that the main massacres which took place in the region had been started by Bosnian Muslim forces.
A joint memorial would indicate that both sides killed innocents in and surrounding Srebrenica.
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