
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Theocrats: More RE! Klevius: More HRE (Human Rights education)! How can children possibly understand the evil of "religion" if they don't understand Human Rights?

Islam teaches that no "innocent" people should be killed. Islam also teaches that non-muslim 'kafirs' are sinners - i.e. not "innocent".

 What causes islamic "extremism"? Klevius answer: Uncritical islamophilia and Mohammadophilia.

"Diversity" (i.e. islampphilia) is the most fertile ground for islamofascism - and ought not to be conflated with 'pluralism' (see Klevius' article Angels of Antichrist) which is based on Human Rights equality.

When society signals with all its horns, not the least to innocent children at school, that "islam is a great religion", then no wonder that youngsters out of curiosity want to know the origin of this wonderful religion. And when they do, no matter if they check the Koran or Mohammad's behavior, or read it from historians such as e.g. Hugh Kennedy, the message is the same and in almost perfect disharmony with what they were taught in school.

So Klevius suggestion is to stop calling islam "a great religion" and instead telling children about islam's evil origin and how islamic sharia is against the most basic Human Rights in the anti-fascist Universal Human  Rights declaration of 1948 (especially the so called 'negative rights').

How close is Theresa May's definition of "extremism" to that of the islamofascist Saudi dictator family which is her "important ally".

BBC's debate audience applauded frenetically to muslim mayor of London's platitudes - which no one would even had noticed from a non-muslim mouth. Btw, the muslim mayor of London, Saddiq Khan, previously used to defend hateful supremacist preachers as e.g. the Fuhrer of Nation of Islam, Louis Eugene Wolcott (aka Farra-khan).

Almost equally much as when BBC accused Trump for "not being helpful" when Trump had pointed to the fact that English security often knows about islamists (and even has employed muslim terrorists).

Say "Trump" and the PC audience laugh and hate. Say "muslim" and they love it - no matter what. Clearly RE in England has produced what it was aimed for, i.e. padding "diversity", i.e. the "muslim community", i.e. the muslim Umma nation steered f
rom Saudi Arabia by the "custodians of islam", i.e. by the islamic hate spreading islamofascist Saudi dictator family (which is behind most evil deeds committed by muslims), i.e. by Theresa May's "important ally". This "ally", who has repeatedly attacked England via its hate propaganda and support of islamic jihadi, is then used by the English government as its "security adviser".

Give us a break!

Tendentious BBC fulfills every criterion for being "extremist" if measured against Human Rights.

BBC's hate propaganda against Buddhists is almost the exact opposite to its love propaganda for islam.

BBC, in its extremely onesided and misguiding reporting from Myanmar/Bangladesh, considers muslims "peaceful" - but Buddhists as violent.

And to make this weird equation "work" they eliminate evil terrorist muslims (who follow almost exactly the text in the Koran as well as the deeds of Mohammad) from islam but describe self defending people from Myanmar as "Buddhists" and therefore connected to Buddhism which lack all the evil original islam is contaminated with.

A voice from the web:

Over resent days, islam's political arm in Britain, the BBC and Channel 4, has been awash with stories of all the sufferings that the Rohinga muslim "refugees" have been enduring at the hands of the ""brutal Buddhists". No mention of the fact that the Buddhists have been forced, for nearly 40 years, to defend their country from attacks by Muslims, determined to turn Burma into an Islamic State and destroy Buddhism.

Klevius:  And behind the suffering is the usual culprit, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its hate mongering and support of islamic violent and "peaceful" racist/sexist jihad.

Theresa May's use of the islamic "race card" is appalling - but at least it doesn't point to any muslim whatsoever.


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